sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2025

What season?

| Questions and answers illustrated with photographs:

Q: Do you regret anything?
A: Selling my second and last electric guitar and my first and last effects pedal, a distorter.

Q: Are you waiting for something?
A: No, not that my motorcycle is returned by the person who stole it, not that someone remembers me to cause me even more problems, and I don't need some telemarketing. Any questions?

Q: Why does the opposite approach to photography, instead of improving its quality, make it look used, older?
A: I can't answer this exactly yet, but the definition of quality in this approach is relative.
That was a very cold day, I don't remember now if the blue hour (night, end) had been passed.
I've always taken care of what's mine, no intruder should have stolen my motorcycle.
I sold most of my equipment used in my second band, not her name, nor my songs, all of them.
As time went by, I saw and heard society in a harsher way, I can't wait. Any questions?
Now it's a bit chilly, but sunny.
Composing a song on a musical instrument is different from composing a song on a computer, including a portable one, it is not something related to right or wrong.
I have not abandoned anything related to me.

Q: What do you wish for the person who stole your motorcycle?
A: I wish that the unhappiness they've brought me will turn against the person who took what was mine and never gave it back.

Q: Are you done?
A: I don't know. ... That last app I used to add visible data to the photo is interesting, but it's no longer in the app store, I don't know if the developer will republish it, he was attentive in his answers, apparently he's based in China.

Q: Anything else?
A: I often watch various content on TV about crimes, specifically crimes that occur in the United States of America, and based on what I see and hear I realize that there are truly dangerous people, truly insane people, True Crime people, not actors, people who did not know how to appreciate what they had in freedom, and there are other people for whom freedom is apparently something insanely harmful, they really want to be chased by the police, sooner rather than later, they need to be behind bars, so that they are protected by the State, that is, if they are not put in a black bag. It really isn't easy working on the streets as a police officer in the United States of America. ...
There is always something more. ...
During the completion of this publication it was announced on TV that a ceasefire in progressive installments will occur in the religious insanity between Hamas and Israel, with an exchange of bodies, alive and dead, there in that place that they mention as 'holy land', but which in practice was never sacred, it was always religiously desecrated. ...
I am the main witness of my life, it is very good to live in a silent place, not nowadays.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2025



| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Do you know if there is any meaning for the abbreviation NDE?
A: I was curious to research if I could find anything on the internet.
It was possible to think about what was found on the internet and imagine a compilation in which someone could be suggesting fear of dying from energy generated by an atomic power plant. I don't know if while I'm writing this publication I'll see on TV some accident at some nuclear power plant, for example as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, or as a result of some animosity between Israel and its neighbors.

Q: Has your life ever been threatened?
A: Yes, more than once.

Q: Have you ever thought about ending your life?
A: No, never.

Q: What is fear for?
A: To alert a person that he should be careful, perhaps his life is really threatened.

Q: Anything else?
A: Two more images recovered.


terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2025

Weekly Emergency Aid:|:(

| An image for a title plus questions and answers:

P: Para que serve um esboço?
R: Para ajudar a visualizar um pensamento?

P: Para que serve um desenho?
R: Para definir um esboço.

P: Para que serve uma casa?
R: Para economizar dinheiro.

P: Para que serve a inexistência de futuro?
R: Para morrer triste.

P: Por que uma pessoa chora quando ela está morrendo?
R: Porque ela não quer morrer.
Q: Why does a person cry when dying?
A: Because she doesn't want to die.

Q: What is a product manual for?
A: To provide explanations about the product.

Q: What are the purposes of authorial Questions and Answers?
A: To try to help a person in a state of ignorance to become informed.

Q: What is the main criterion?
A: On what subject?

Q: If a planet seen from above had a predominantly white atmosphere, would that mean that beneath that white there is no evil?
A: I don't know for sure, nor would I risk trying to find out, mas penso que aquele planeta não deveria ser usado como aterro sanitário.

P: ¿No harás ninguna pregunta en español?
R: Cuando lo hice, el desarrollador de la aplicación respondió rápidamente.

segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2025


| A text for recovered images:

Q: Have you seen a starry sky at some moment in your life?
A: Yes, traveling to places far from the lighting of the big city it was possible to see the starry sky at night, perhaps it was even possible to carry out one of those long exposure photographs where the night sky is shown with a greater wealth of stars, in the sky, not on TV.

Q: In your opinion, were the demonstrations on 01/08/2023 in BR antidemocratic?
A: They were so intensely democratic that even members of the Armed Forces participated in the opposition demonstration, something unthinkable in the not so distant past in that country. What was not very democratic were the confrontations and mainly the opportunistic and spiteful vandalism, they were not very creative in that part of the demonstration there in the barycenter of BR. Um compasso, uma régua, um lápis, ... Construa uma capital lá?

Q: Why did all that happen?
A: I wasn't the only one who noticed what happened. A political maneuver was made, based on the variety of legal interpretations, to let the super-northeastern and demigod go free with the intention of preventing the messiah from being reelected, because there was no other viable candidate to prevent reelection, reelection would have happened in the first round of voting, and there wouldn't even be a second round. The strategy worked, the super-northeastern and demigod was released from maximum security prison, could be a candidate, was elected, and would receive the presidential sash, in this last part of the sordid political theater, there were demonstrations, confrontations, and rancorous vandalism. It is useful to mention that the devotees of the super-northeastern tried to make a political propaganda on TV that their demigod would be elected in the first round, but the large number of people who were supporting the re-election of the previous one showed that this would not happen, and it really did not happen, obviously. It was an arm wrestling match between the Executive and the Judiciary.

Q: Did you elect any of those ministers?
A: Not directly through my vote and not through the election of the president, I didn't vote for any of them, ... I really don't feel guilty about the sordid capitalist political theater that is shown daily on capitalist TV.

Q: In order not to be stigmatized in the fantastic life in society, do you consider yourself a bozonatoist or a donkeyst?
A: I consider myself, so I am none of them.

Q: Have you watched the movie Joker (2019)?
R: Sim, ele foi mais um dos filmes relacionados com o Batman, sem o Robin, também sem o Batman. Aqueles filmes tentam construir alguma história para alguns coadjuvantes que seja mais próxima da vida cotidiana em uma cidade grande, pejorativamente, onde aqueles coadjuvantes são transformados em algo além do que eles são, mais para o mal que para o bem, são transformados em coadjuvantes principais.

P: Você em algum momento da sua vida colocou um dos seus pés na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil?
R: Não, nunca. Até agora eu nunca quis ficar viajando de um lado para outro sem destino no sistema capitalista, eu não sou um aventureiro. A pessoa tem que se adaptar ao sistema mas o sistema também tem que se adaptar a pessoa. Não existe apenas o ponto de vista capitalista. O capitalismo não surgiu antes do planeta Terra.

Q: Do you have to correct the translations and also make changes to the original text when you translate your texts from your native language to English using a translator app that uses Artificial Intelligence?
A: Yes, constantly, as an example in this publication where I chose to use the translated and revised text and also keep the original text in the native language.

Q: Is your native language indigenous?
A: No.

Q: Is haste the enemy of perfection?
A: Maybe.

Q: What do you suspect you will die of?
A: A natural death, murdered by the capitalist system.

Q: Any music?
A: Live or in the studio?

domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2025


| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Are you a buddhist?
A: No.

Q: Are you in an existential crisis?
A: A person doesn't ask to be born, a person doesn't want to be sick, a person doesn't want to die, ... Right now this is my best answer while I think about which image I will use to illustrate this post.

Q: Do you need some supremacist Top Voice to try to distract your attention?
A: No, I don't need it. Quando for o momento eu expelirei um Top Voice supremacista no vaso sanitário, but not now.

Q: Why are you mainly using English language?
A: When I turned my attention to the subject of IT, the best quality content was in English, and to be accessed by a desktop computer, over time several technological enhancements were made so that content could be accessed correctly on several different devices, including portable ones, these adaptations are still occurring, it is laborious to create the same content for each means it is accessed, in different languages, ... I do not believe that all pages viewed on the internet are completely validated, nor do all app developers number updates within just one standard, and regarding standards there is no consensus on all matters related to computing, and when there are standards not everyone follows them. I always look for the best quality information, not a summary translation into my native language. In computer science, in the technical part of development, not a single error can occur, otherwise something will not work partially or completely. I still encounter some malfunctions in web pages, also in apps, but in Exact Sciences everything has to be exact.

Q: Have you dated an oyster in the past?
A: No, never.

P: O mais correto é 'o mentira' ou 'a mentira'?
R: A mentira.

Q: Agriculture or livestock?
A: Agriculture.

Q: How many days a week do you spend studying?
A: Every day of the week.

Q: Did you attack Ukraine?
A: No.

Q: Did you commit war crimes in Ukraine?
A: No.

Q: What do you think about war museums in the attacked areas of Ukraine?
A: Informative, relevant.

Q: Anything else?
A: The images have been chosen.

sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2025


| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Do you see a difference between a chosen place and the middle of an intersection?
A: Yes, easily noticeable.

Q: Have you ever tried to talk to a parrot?
A: Yes, I wanted to see if it could simulate human speech.

Q: Why didn't you get a parrot to speak your texts?
A: Unfeasible.

Q: Do you know how rockets will be sent into space when Earth runs out of oil?
A: Honestly? No. I imagine they will try to convert other Earth resources into fuel, but I don't know if that fuel would be suitable.

Q: Do you consider yourself an adventurer?
A: No, I never considered myself an adventurer, and even less so now.

Q: What do you think is useful to teach a young woman?
A: Preventing pregnancy is very useful. Planet Earth does not need more and more people. The combination of mass production and automation, including robotics, is irreversible. It is possible to live better without high population density, without queues.

Q: Were other people's mistakes and errors part of your learning?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you think and believe that because you have learned from other people's mistakes and errors you have to pay copyright to some of those mistaken people?
A: No.

Q: Why can't a person stand still all day?
A: First of all, because nothing stands still, everything is always in motion, but in earthly matters, standing still atrophies, and atrophy can damage a person, it can even kill him.

Q: Do you already have an image for this post?
A: No, but I'm thinking about what it will be, but it's not possible to do it now, it will be related to potatoes, but not baked.

Q: Mention something that you find unpleasant while you are trying to live in peace.
A: Messages from Top Voice supremacists. Excrement! Supremacist excrement!

Q: Is supremacist excrement of better quality?
A: I have never worked in a clinical laboratory.

Q: Is the image ready?
A: Yes, but I did not take a new photograph for the same image, I recovered the existing one.

Q: Any music?
A: No, but the memory of good times with a really delicious banana pie that to this day remains unsurpassed, even, but if any of them reaches my eyes and especially my mouth and equals the one in my memory I will mention it.