terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2024

Arte em Marte(:

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Would you trade living on Earth for living on Mars?
A: No.

Q: Did you like the audio recorded on Mars?
A: Much less noisy than a washing machine running.

Q: Do you know why there are no refueling stations on Mars?
A: For refueling Americans or Chinese?

Q: Do you believe in the veracity of everything that professionals report?
A: If living on the International Space Station is something unique that probably temporarily changes the perception of its occupants, on Mars it will be no different, it will be much more intense, if two or three space travelers ever land there.

Q: Do you know how many disposable hoover bags it would take to get rid of the dust on Mars?
A: The iron was the first useful household utensil to be considered obsolete with the advance of information technology, not the washing machine, and this has valorised other cultures that don't have household utensils on their flags.

segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2024

There is no water for watercolor:|:(:

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Did you colorize the image?
A: No, I just tried to improve it.

Q: Do you like dust?
A: No, not even the fine powder version.

Q: Do you have knowledge about the image shown?
A: Honestly? No. Later I'll go to NASA~JPL to try to find out if there's any explanation there, even if it's basic.

Q: Why did you choose this image?
A: Because it reminded me of a watercolor palette, but mainly because it reminded me of a basic palette of dry pastel sticks, a painting technique that I have always liked since my days as an editorial illustration student, even though I didn't like the name given to that technique.
The image appears to be something simple, but I think that behind that apparent simplicity there are complex, sophisticated technologies, like a watercolor painting made by someone experienced in the subject, another comparison would be the keyboard of a piano.

Q: Do you believe you are on the right track?
A: There are several signs that confirm this. I have managed to escape the Earth's gravity to wander in a seemingly existential and agnostic manner across the exotic Martian landscape, whose soil is covered with fine dust and crusted rocks that are apparently effective in damaging the metal wheels of robotic vehicles.

Q: Anything else?
A: Does the lighter color mean the presence of some bacteria? If so, were they brought from Earth to colonize Mars?
The sentence could be: "Two planets, the story continues, see you later."

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2024

Retrospective on Spreaker.com:|:(:

Who is against me?

| Perguntas e Respostas baseadas nessa publicação:

P: Como foi ouvir em sequência todos os áudios que você publicou em Spreaker.com?
R: Foi uma viagem no tempo, uma experiência apenas para uma pessoa aficionada, ninguém mais aficionado que eu para ouví-los em sequência, comecei em uma tarde, e terminei na manhã do dia seguinte, isso após dormir, óbvio, atualmente eu não sou tão aficionado.
Durante a audição eu me lembrei como foi a fabricação deles, mesmo não olhando cada capa, algo que teria sido muito útil, e a época na qual cada um deles foi realizado, inclusive na época que a epidemia se tornou pandemia, e o fique-em-casa que decretou um muito saudável silêncio na região, mencionei isso na sonoridade de vários deles.
Eu também não estive indiferente a outros assuntos e algumas vozes, em especial uma delas que tem uma maneira de falar realmente característica, mas eu não tinha a intenção que aquilo acontecesse, surgiu durante o manuseio dos aplicativos, não ignorei e mantive.
Foi possível se divertir muito ouvindo vários deles. Não é necessário que uma pessoa ouça todos os audiovisuais, basta escolher um Título e Capa que ele considere interessante, a abordagem do conteúdo se repetirá em um curto intervalo de tempo.
Há diferenças progressistas entre eles, de um para outro eu modifiquei configurações e obtive resultados diferentes, eu realmente não me preocupei muito sobre o que um usuário pensaria sobre eles, eu estava mais interessado em experimentar recursos e conseguir para cada um deles um resultado satisfatório.

P: Você levou essa experiência para Anchor.fm, agora Spotify for Podcasters?
R: Sim, mas naquela hospedagem a minha proposta era outra, inclusive porque os termos para a publicação eram um pouco diferentes.
Também muito útil mencionar que os arquivos de podcasts geralmente são enormes em Megabytes, isso consome o fluxo de dados da internet do usuário, por isso eu quis que eles fossem curtos para serem econômicos em Megabytes para o usuário, eu também sou um usuário.

P: É necessário fones para os ouvidos para ouvir os seus áudios em Spreaker.com?
R: Sim, mas não é garantido que todos eles sejam audíveis porque em quase todos eles há a sobreposição de idiomas, no mínimo dois idiomas. Além disso em alguns deles a sonoridade das vozes se tornou prioridade, mais que as vozes serem audíveis, mas mesmo assim tentei que fosse possível para um usuário com fones para os ouvidos conseguir que a maior parte do conteúdo fosse audível. Também útil mencionar que geralmente uma pessoa tem dois ouvidos, portanto será necessário um fone em cada ouvido porque os áudios estão em estéreo, LR.
Atualmente em Spotify for Podcasters eu separei os audiovisuais em formato podcast em dois idiomas, um em idioma português, and the other in english language.
Listen to them while you watch a good reality TV documentary about what it's like to live in one of the many prisons scattered around the Earth. Don't make an effort to go live in one of them.

P: Na publicação inicial ocorreu alguma curiosidade?
R: Sim. Nas primeiras publicações os meus audiovisuais surgiram em buscas em Spreaker.com no final daqueles em idioma inglês, mas no topo daqueles em idioma português, nisso também foi curioso e hilário ver quem eram os meus vizinhos em Spreaker.com, não sei se aquela situação poderia ser considerada uma consequência de alguma maldição magnética, acredito que foi algo relacionado com linguagem de programação, muito útil mencionar isso para os iniciantes e turistas no assunto, também útil mencionar que dinheiro talvez possa comprar alguma melhor colocação, não mencionado lá, mas embutido nos planos oferecidos, mas na prática não foi o que ocorreu, tive como vizinhos usuários de planos pagos, armados com foice, martelo, e o silencioso desperdício do dinheiro partidário.

Q: Any further explanation?
A: This is a rich and miserable city.

Q: Anything else?
A: I encourage you in the questions, and you encourage me in the answers, without alien intermediaries.

😶💬 Nisso tudo eu descobri recentemente em Spreaker.com que atualmente para ouvir um dos áudios ou pegá-los a pessoa curiosa terá que fazer uma inscrição, antes das mudanças não era assim, a interação entre o publicador e o ouvinte era muito melhor, mas essa foi outra época, não agora:|:(:


SoundCloud.com: Who is against me?
Spreaker.com: Protocol Number

SoundCloud.com: ISS
Spreaker.com: ISS

SoundCloud.com: Production Line
Spreaker.com: Production Line

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2024


| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Do you know the difference between an earphone, a headphone, and a headset?
A: I think so, even though I have some conceptual doubts about the singular and plural as a result of the variety of products that have historically emerged related to the advancement of electronic products on the subject.

Q: Are you happy with your purchase?
A: 🙂💬 Yes. I was able to find a similar, equivalent, compatible, with good cost-benefit ratio, an original from the same manufacturer was not accessible.

Q: Which store has the best system for searching for products in the online store and trying to buy them in the physical store?
A: Of the ones I tested, it would be Kalunga.com, but in the physical store there may be products that are not in the online store. Their online store is not an aggregator of other stores, which is common in other online stores, in those other virtual stores it is not difficult to confuse and deceive a user with product photographs.

Q: Is the date shown in the photograph the date you purchased the product?
A: No, it is the date I realized the photograph.

Q: Anything else?
A: 🙃💬 It's easy to make a child happy.

sábado, 5 de outubro de 2024

Small sweet grape-shaped tomatoes.

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Did you also bring this photo from Tumblr.com to Blogger.com?
A: Yes.

Q: Were you the author of the packaging?
A: No, I realized the photograph you are seeing, the (c) generic is just to inform a lay person that there are people responsible for the packaging of the product, and I am not one of them.

Q: Do you always associate shadow and darkness with something that is not good?
A: No. I don't like to sleep in the light these days, and if I were outside on a hot, sunny day, a shady spot would be helpful.

Q: Anything else?
A: Furthermore, my motorcycle has not yet been returned by the God gang. When I parked it, it was early evening. A few minutes after it was stolen, it was still early evening. None of what happened was just a coincidence. It was theft, but it could have been robbery.
When I sleep I always wish to wake up to a better day.


| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Why did you mention this photograph?
A: Relevant. I felt it necessary to bring it from Tumblr.com to Blogger.com. The original photograph is in my photo album that I put together mainly with photographs of my own. At a time when people who have never been anything like me are proclaiming themselves hierarchical superiors of other people, I considered it necessary to mention the {[(c)]} icon.

Q: Did you notice any other interpretations from the photograph?
A: Yes. I really don't know if there will ever be a full resurrection, I don't think so.

Q: Do you regret anything?
A: No. I wasn't the intruder.

Q: Anything else?
A: God was an invention of the Globe Television Network, without it God would have already been demystified and de-institutionalized.

Retrospective on 0firstlast1 on Tumblr.com:):(

| Questions and answers based on this post:

Q: Why did you add this post here to your Blogger.com address?
A: To inform any visitors that I did a content review on my Tumblr.com address, 0firstlast1, on 10/04/2024.
I reviewed the content from the last published content to the first published content in early 2019 and excluded some that I considered superfluous, in whole or in part, and some that I believed were no longer appropriate for Tumblr.com after it became the property of the company that owns WordPress.com, Automattic, Inc., and no longer Yahoo.
I even reviewed the various contents generated with the Artificial Intelligence apps that I tested, at that time the subject was in evidence, and the subject is still current. I even thought about deleting several of those contents but I chose to leave them for some visitor to check how Artificial Intelligence can be really ignorant, go there and check it out, but the same cannot be said of the simulations of social network dialogues carried out by Authorial Human Intelligence.
Tumblr.com was the main social network where I published some daily, but not anymore.
Now I will publish more relevant content here on Blogger.com.

Q: Why did you use the image shown to illustrate this post?
A: Because it's realistically related to my username that I chose for my Tumblr.com address, something like 0 became 1, or 0 got 1.

Q: Do you like the band~group Garbage?
A: The sound of the songs, not the lyrics because apparently they only have one theme, undone relationships. If I were to choose a band~group that addressed undone relationships I would choose the band~group Buzzcocks, the sound of the songs is more within the sound spectrum that I like, going back in time, not forward, I would go to the New York Dolls, not The Cure, going forward Blondie and Smiths.

Q: Do you identify with the current days?
A: Honestly? No. Imagination is better than reality. I don't believe in internet relationships.

Q: Any further explanation?
A: No.

quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2024

Oil paint on primed canvas.

| Questions and answers based on this post:

A: Why did you use the same photograph?
Q: Because that was the initial approach to finishing the work.

Q: Were you confused by one of those satellites that partially encompass the planet where you are based?
A: It wasn't the satellites that caused my memory lapse, it was the attention focused on working in a noisy location.

Q: Anything else?
A: Leia a publicação abaixo.