sábado, 8 de março de 2025

All to the Hall of Fame?

| An image for questions and answers (and two hidden videos):

P: O que você pensa sobre pessoas que não queriam que você tivesse nascido?
R: Eu nunca tive aqueles pensamentos malígnos sobre a minha existência.

P: O que você pensa sobre pessoas que não querem que você ainda esteja vivo?
R: Eu realmente não sei por que há pessoas que acreditam que eu estou ocupando uma grande quantidade de espaço na Terra. Eu realmente não sei por que há pessoas que sentem inveja sob eu e querem pegar o que é meu sem a minha autorização para se sentirem grandes na tensa vida em sociedade.

Q: What do you think about the explicit demagogy and populism where the two ideological sides are well defined, on the right are the bad men, and on the left are the good superheroes?
A: In that story someone is lying.

Q: What do you think about God-fearing people who repeat what others say like parrots without thinking before keeping quiet?
A: Apparently I am led to believe by the biased media that it was an antidemocratic mistake to have fought the nazis, perhaps it would have been better to have helped the Nazi Exact Sciences for a New World Order in defense of journalistic soap operas. Towards victory! No matter who it hurts.

Q: Would you like to mention any pop rock music to illustrate this part of the post, perhaps a Kat P. song?
A: Yes, it is possible, 'live' and 'in studio': The Exploited - I Belive in Anarchy. (Was that the lyrics of the song??)

Q: Would you like to dedicate that pop rock song to someone?
A: Yes, it is possible. I would dedicate that song to the Christian Social Democracy that fired me and prevented me from living a laborism life with economic stability. I went from laborism to unemployment insurance, and then to neoliberalism and neocolonialism, being pushed to the margin in a polite and civilized way by the technological revolution of information technology, with a lot of emphasis on everyday pain, not on the chemical happiness of a can of beer. I work for my own personal satisfaction like an urban guerrilla. ... ):NoFurureX:|:(

P: ¿Islas Malvinas o Falklands?
R: Um episódio histórico.

Q: Any songs from the band NMA?
A: It is not necessary.

P: Você sabe explicar por que você tem que ser prejudicado por políticos que foram eleitos mas não pelo seu voto?
R: A culpa é da maioria da sociedade, é nela que estão os eleitores e as eleitoras, pessoas que nem sabem como evitar a gravidez.

Q: How many times a week do you surf?
A: Every week.

Q: Anything else?
A: No.

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2025

If Mars is the ground floor, ...

| Questions and answers based on these photographs:

Q: If you like food then why don't you work with cooking, with gastronomy?
A: The third letter of the alphabet is C, cooking is not a priority in my life, I don't cook restaurant or hotel food, but I like the food I cook, I never intended to be awarded for the food I cook, I don't fry food, with the exception of fried eggs, I don't make pies, and I don't have an oven to make a good basic homemade cake. I eat to not feel hungry and to be fed, not to become obese. I wasn't the one creating hyperinflation.

Q: What astronomy is easy to see through the window?
A: Sun, moon, Venus.

Q: Is the capitalist system just?
A: No.

Q: When was the last time you slept in a bed?
A: I don't remember anymore, that's a long time ago, that was before 'economic stability', before the advancement of information technology, before cell phones, before smartphones, ... I'm not the one who would make a heart using both hands in a live show.

Q: Are repeated tags a lack of creativity?
A: My main focus is not creativity, but the content of what I publish, not advertising texts.

Q: Do you know the exact color of the surface of Mars?
A: No, I never wanted to go to Mars.

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2025

Donuts from Mars?

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Will European be the name given to whoever colonizes Jupiter's moon Europa?
A: I don't want to colonize the moon.

Q: What did you think the last time you drew a picture of this solar system, this galaxy? Saturn?
A: The possibility of some galaxy collision, but that past is distant.

Q: Why surf music?
A: I like the topics mentioned, it is one of the good alternatives to the electric guitar, not the only one, much better than watching that documentary about the unhygienic Woodstock 99 festival. It is not difficult for a person who likes rock music not to see themselves represented by rock culture, specifically when it is the mass culture coming from the United States of America, in this it would be better to see and hear a live performance by the musician Peter F. or the band America in the first half of the seventies, a refreshing breeze in the unhygienic Woodstock 99.

Q: Have you been following the work of the band NMA?
A: Not the music, but the art and photographs about the band, I'm a little distant from rock music from bands that are active, but from one moment to the next I may want to get closer to the subject, or not.

Q: What can't you do?
A: Wait for the society in which the electorate lives to become intelligent and not put unbridled procreation into practice.

Q: Is a 'domestic' cat a problem for a human or is a human a problem for a cat that has to be domesticated?
A: A cat cannot be blamed for human ignorance about them. More than one 'domestic' animal and more than one child are not a good combination for a harmonious home. Do not mistreat animals in your care.

Q: Have you ever had the feeling that Artificial Intelligence is monitoring you?
A: That's not the worst feeling, the worst feeling is imagining that Artificial Intelligence doesn't want me to be smarter than it.

Q: Any music?
A: Honestly? No. It's good to live in a quiet place, it's good not to be famous. Surf music and the so-called 'guitarrada' are two good alternatives to the electric guitar.

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2025

Mars or ice cream?

| Questions and answers based on these photographs:

Q: Do you imagine crunchy chocolate ice cream when you see images of the surface of Mars provided by NASA?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Would you choose to go to Mars or choose to enjoy a delicious ice cream if you only had two alternatives?
A: If ice cream only existed in photographs, I would choose to see photographs of Mars.

Q: Don't you get tired of continuing with Arts and Communication activities?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Do you know if Mars is completely divided up for private enterprise with government management?
A: I think and believe that the capitalists will try to annex to themselves what they are observing.

Q: Did life on planet Earth begin after you were born?
A: I am my historical landmark.

Q: Do you worry that someone might want to kill themselves after reading something you wrote?
A: I think and believe that it would be inconsistent for a person to jump out of a window while reading one of my publications.

Q: What do you stop to see and hear to on TV these days?
A: Relevant documentaries, True Crime documentaries, music from active bands that I like but with some restrictions, relevant films, and varied subjects so as not to ignore what society is putting into practice with the intention of impoverishing me.

Q: Have you ever had a finger pecked by a duck in your life?
A: Sim, uma única vez, quando eu era criança, eu estava em férias escolares e viajei com os meus pais, eu estava em um pequeno barco em um lago e quis dar miolo de pão para um pato, ele pegou o miolo de pão e o meu dedo, a bicada é dolorida. Os livros cristãos direcionados para as crianças mostram uma natureza purificada onde até os animais predadores são amigos dos seres humanos, mas isso não é verdade, é mentira. The Church is a master at telling lies to children.

Q: Anything else?
A: 😟 I no longer have patience for some situations that are constant on TV. 😫

Q: Did you like the app?
A: 🙃💬 Testing, ... ⏳🏁

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025

Curiosity? Perseverance? Ingenuity??

| Perguntas e Respostas, P/R; Questions and Answers, Q/R; ...

P: O que você pensa sobre uma resposta construída pela Inteligência Artificial a partir de uma pergunta técnica que você fez para o suporte de uma marca muito conhecida?
R: Aparentemente a linha de produção automatizada da fábrica é a resposta, mas isso não faz o produto não ser caro. Ainda a partir do que eu penso, eu não estou precisando de um produto novo, eu não sou consumista. Mais? Até esse momento a minha motocicleta não foi devolvida por quem a furtou. ... Also, I never wanted to be a suburban playboy, appearing in a photograph wearing some imitation of Ray Ban sunglasses, a look easily related to a stereotype of a police officer from the early seventies.

Q: What is the purpose of infernal heat?
A: To make a person tired.

Q: More?
A: No.

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2025


| Images for questions and answers:

Q: What is the meaning of the title of this publication?
A: The topic is the inefficiency of the human digestive system compared to devices derived from the Exact Sciences. I mention soup as an apparent alternative to reduce waste.

Q: Você em algum momento da sua vida quis ter a profissão de 'designer' de sobrancelhas?
A: Não seja uma mulher ridícula.
It's also worth mentioning here that I never wanted to be a designer of female pubic hair, much less male pubic hair. They can resolve the natural difficulties of the countless female conditions on their own, in this a mirror can be useful for some introspection, for a basic start to self-management.

Q: What do you think a woman would think after reading the previous answer?
A: #MeToo??

Q: What song would be good for that answer?
A: Dancing Queen (ABBA)? MammaMia (Måneskin)? New York Dolls - Who Are The Mistery Girls??

Q: Have you watched the movie The Brown Lagoon?
A: I don't know the film, but every time it rains a lot the subject emerges in the news in a natural, urban and catastrophic way, with various losses.

Q: Have you watched the movie Live Hard 1.0.2?
A: No, it wasn't possible, I didn't have the necessary hardware.

Q: Do you still have the breath to publish more?
A: My lungs are fine, I've never been a smoker.

Q: How much does planet Earth vibrate on a daily basis?
A: I don't know, I'll do some research on the subject later.

Q: Is it less bad for a building to collapse while it is being built or after someone is living in it?
A: Evitar gravidez ainda é a melhor alternativa.
Morar em uma casa térrea é melhor que morar em uma edificação com mais andares.
Currently I am the main living witness of my life.

Q: Do you think and believe that the end is near?
A: Occasionally a relevant app appears in the app store, perhaps at some point I will test it and it may remain installed. This month, as of the date of this publication, two more small apps have been installed and tested, useful and are already in use. I really don't know exactly what the next app will be.

Q: Why are you always late?
A: Because it is humanly impossible to stay awake every day of the year.
P: Por que você está sempre atrasado?
R: Porque é humanamente impossível ficar acordado todos os dias do ano.
Um sistema político & econômico que tenta transformar uma pessoa em ao menos uma máquina de gerar dinheiro, é um sistema desumano, totalitário e autoritário. Does the person have to adapt to the system? The system also has to adapt to the person. At least I mentioned this, there are people who didn't even do this.

Q: What would apparently explain a person being thin?
A: Deprivation through generations.

Q: Have you ever had thoughts that you were decrypting something hidden?
A: This is really a very mysterious question, until now I still haven't thought about what image will illustrate this publication, but I won't use a childish and colorful image generated by Artificial Intelligence, based on what is shown in the news, Donald's management is far from those characteristic images.

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2025

Is dust culture?

| Questions and answers for an image:

Q: Which place is better to incinerate trash, Mars or the Sun?
A: Through which company, TrashX?

Q: Does good attract evil, or evil attracts good?
A: The answer would not be 50%/50%.

Q: For a vibrating object, is it better to screw or rivet?
A: Simple, colloquial, academic, or corporate? It is not possible to summarize just in reelection or impeachment a subject that can be broad, but if the priority is security, riveting would be the most obvious choice, screwing would be the most predictable alternative if it is necessary at some point to have to enter the temporarily closed place, it is useful to mention that there is the lock washer, and if the colonizer is an invader who brings suspicious alien technologies, incomprehensible to other primitive cultures, including in the Congo, this reinforces the emergence of bands like the band Alien Sex Fiend, who use a primitive and theatrical language to express themselves, still within the spectrum found until the first semester of some course in Human Sciences, in Exact Sciences there is not much freedom for something without spending more time with calculations and equations and without having to go over that time spent from the capitalist point of view. This text that I wrote was a sample of what my high school years were like, the first year of college, and a few more years that followed.

Q: Does something mysterious catch your attention?
A: At the end of this week a documentary about college fraternities in the United States of America will be shown on TV. I intend to watch that documentary about a subject that is present in several films from that country, specifically comedy films.
😟 One of the well-known fraternities in the USA was the Playboy Mansion, I don't know if it still exists. 😫

Q: 🙂🙃💬 Do you make circles with Kin or Kern?
A: Nowadays, as a consequence of the advance of the decentralization of information technology, neither of them is professional. Without the use of information technology, it would be with Kern. Kin loosens with use, so it tends not to make exact circles, but depending on the models compared from each of the two brands, they can be equivalent and present the same problem over time. ... Avoiding pregnancy was the most correct alternative, really.

Q: Do you know exactly what the image you chose to illustrate some of your questions and answers is?
A: No, but apparently residue is being attracted to be analyzed, and if I interpreted correctly there are at least two screws missing that were either not installed or fell out due to the shaking, I won't be the one going there to replace them.


sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2025

Another approach on another subject.

| Questions and answers for a photograph:|:(

Q: What is the worst thing that could happen to someone?
A: Currently? I detected some situations, this for those who are not blind, deaf, mute, or some combination of the three:
01- Not being in command of your own life;
02- To have been born a woman;
03- Not having any computer knowledge, not having equipment;
04- Being illiterate or being treated as such;
05- Have any health problems;
06- Living in a war zone;
07- ...

Q: Why didn't you put 'living in a war zone' as a first misfortune?
A: Because it's an atypical situation, or it should be.

Q: What do you think about the new gender mutations?
A: The band Alien Sex Fiend was never my favorite band, I know almost nothing about the band. I don't really know if R. De Niro was a member of the band, nor if Phil S. had any participation in the studio.

Q: Do you get paid to work?
A: At this point I don't remember when I was 100% alive.

Q: Why don't you want to die?
A: Because I want to stay alive.

Q: Have you ever danced to disco music at any point in your life?
A: No, never, no thanks.

Q: Do you like it when you touch the screen of your device and it starts to dance?
A: No, I don't like it, I hate it when that happens.

Q: Do you consider your life a waste of time?
A: No.

Q: Do you intend to be public enemy number one?
A: No.

Q: Are you protected by God?
A: Who? No, I don't know.

Q: When you can't sleep, do you count sheep until you fall asleep?
A: No.

Q: When you're awake, which country seems most in tune with how you are currently?
A: Good question, I don't know if I have an exact answer at this moment, but perhaps the main problem is not the country, but rather the place that over time is undergoing constant and progressive changes for the worse, transforming it into a mixed region, without well-defined residential and commercial areas, not goo:(
⌛💬 In the last week of the year this place looks more like it did in the past, also in the first week of the following year, apart from this short interval of time no more.

Q: Is the photograph you included in this post a fake?
A: No, it is another interpretation of the original photograph.

Q: Anything else?
A: Not at this time.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2025

P/R, ...

| P/R, ...

P: Você foi até algum cinema para pagar para assistir o filme 'Eu não estou lá!'?
R: Não, eu não fui até o cinema para pagar para entrar e contradizer o nome do filme porque se eu tivesse pago para entrar eu estaria lá, não aqui, não sei se com isso eu estaria cometendo um ato criminoso, penso e acredito que não.

P: Você sabe a origem da palavra 'magrela'?
R: Talvez seja o encurtamento da frase 'ela é magra', portanto 'magrela'.

P: Você sabe a origem da palavra 'mortadela'?
R: Não, eu não sei. Também não sei se poderia ser relacionada com um crime passional.

P: Você teve curiosidade de pesquisar sobre o assunto?
R: Não, pesquisar consome o fluxo de dados na internet, os assuntos mencionados acima são irrelevantes, mesmo. ... Não farias, faço.

P: Você mencionava como 'magrela' cada uma das três bicicletas novas que você ganhou de presente do seu pai em três idades distintas a partir de quando você era criança?
R: Não, eu mencionava cada uma delas como bicicleta, não 'bike'. Eu não tenho mais nenhuma delas, e não é de agora. Útil mencionar que a última bicicleta nova que eu ganhei de presente do meu pai, com dez marchas, teve um dos componentes furtados e com isso a bicicleta ficou com cinco marchas, em um dia ela tinha dez marchas, no dia seguinte um furto transformou-a em uma biclicleta incompleta com cinco marchas. Vivendo, e aprendendo! ... Ninguém gosta de bandido, nem bandido gosta de bandido.

P: Você sabe se a antiga ministra da economia será deportada dos USA de maneira humorista pelo Donald?
R: 🙃💬 Fury ou Rambo?? ⏳🏁

Q: Can you remain indifferent to Donald's capitalist, arrogant, authoritarian, totalitarian, advertising speeches?
A: Impossible.

Q: Would you vote for Donald?
A: No, not Pluto, not Mickey.

Q: What do you think about the war crimes that are happening against the civilian population in Gaza?
A: The answer is in the question: war crimes. Whoever starts a war does not want peace, I did not start any war.

Q: What do you think Israel is planning to do in Gaza together with their war trading partners after turning Gaza into a mixture of necropolis and ghost town?
A: Based on the images of destruction shown on TV, what is being reported, and Donald's recent statements after returning to the White House, ... I am truly perplexed by what I see and hear, really.
Those who were spared from living through the horrors of WW1 and WW2 are now able to see what happened in those two extremely relevant periods of history, see deep gray tones of destruction, see varying red tones of blood, see pale beiges without life with countless stains of deep purple, see bodies wrapped in white cloths without resurrection, and there is no more appropriate musical background for war crimes than the intense songs of the band Discharge that were performed between the years 1980 and 1982.
If I have interpreted that correctly, Israel & its war trading partners want that territory to be occupied for their real estate development. These won't be buildings built on an alien graveyard, but that territory has a past, and that past won't be hidden under a beautiful oriental rug.

Q: What do you think about the war crimes that took place against the civilian population in Ukraine?
A: The answer is in the question: war crimes. Whoever starts a war does not want peace, I did not start any war. ... Read the question above.

Q: Does planet Earth need a new Hitler?
A: I think and believe not.

Q: What's faster, leaving for work or waking up and working?
A: The latest trend among voters that has been seasonally maintained is wanting a playboy as president of a country. The electorate apparently interprets that a rich president will distribute his wealth to the poorest, a fantasy imported of partially unknown origin. Advertising is advertising, journalism is journalism. Someone is lying in that story.

Q: Do you have a Best Friend Forever?
A: Does that really exist???

Q: Any other answers?
A: Any other questions?

sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2025

full bag purchase:)

| Questions and Answers (Q/A), ...

Q: What do you think about the phrase "Não me enche o sacolão!"?
A: :|:(

Q: Do you still remember the last time you made a full bag purchase similar to an open-air market or supermarket?
A: Yes, it was a sunny morning with a mild temperature, I no longer remember what season it was.

Q: Do you still remember if during that purchase the mayor of that city had already been kidnapped and killed?
A: I no longer remember who the mayor was at that time, but the one who became mayor of that city had not yet been kidnapped and killed, when that famous True Crime occurred I no longer lived in that city, I had already returned to the city where I lived previously, a rich and miserable city, that True Crime may have been the trigger for what would happen next with the gang of the current 'president of public thing', which is not something of mine, it is also useful to mention that 'squid is not an octopus'.

Q: Do you still paint t-shirts?
A: Not anymore, and I don't know if I'll ever paint anything again.

Q: Do you think of yourself as an exotic creature in a swamp deep in the ocean?
A: No, I'm not a christian, nor a catholic, nor a mason, nor a nazi jew.

Q: Você sabe o que significa a sigla SP?
A: This is a very difficult question, I don't know if I would be able to answer it now without having a communications advisor and a press office.
Eu talvez pergunte à Inteligência Artificial, apenas por curiosidade, mas não agora.

Q: Would you be able to start again where did you stop?
A: Yes, if the issue is related to an app, as long as I don't have to uninstall it because the last update prevented me from using it partially or completely. ... I finished testing the latest update of one of the apps from a very well-known platform and it did not pass the test to stay installed and perhaps in use, uninstalled.
If the subject is ... Heat? I don't like it, I prefer the cold.

Q: Anything else?
A: I'm publishing some more
material on Hubhopper.com.
After that I'll be back
on Spotify for Creators.

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers, Perguntas e Respostas, ...

Q: Have you ever seen a penile prosthesis that was a mix of heraldry and Benito Mussolini?
A: No, but just thinking about it and imagining it makes me realize that it is something abominable, so there is no reason to materialize it and perhaps create a heinous situation.

Q: Em algum momento da sua vida você 'atirou o pau no gato'?
A: A letra desta canção infantil muito conhecida está desatualizada há décadas, ela não é educacional, cantá-la é uma subversão contra os gatos e contra os humanos que não geram maus tratos neles, ela é uma letra de música ilegal, estranho a mãe e o pai de uma criança não saberem isso.
O gato que esteve sob os meus cuidados foi muito bem cuidado, educado, vacinado, não castrado, eu tive paciência de aguentar as coisas estranhas que ele vazia quando ele não era mais 'criança', mas ainda era.

Q: Você era um subalterno da 'rainha dos baixinhos'?
A: Eu não votei, no primeiro turno nem no segundo turno, em F. Afonso Collor de Mello, ex-diretor da ABERT. Não foram eleitos através do meu voto a economista incompetente e irresponsável daquele humorista de graça duvidosa, F. Anysio de O. P. Filho, ambos partidários da procriação desenfreada irresponsável, nem aquele ministro da justiça deles, parentes.
Vamos nos unir? Não! Tudo separado e muito bem separado, você é você, eu sou eu.

Q: Você já fez 'glub glub no club'?
A: Entrar água no nariz estando em uma piscina é um evento normal.

Q: Will you illustrate this publication?
A: Yes. I'm thinking of photographing a used toilet paper.

Q: Are you in a bad mood?
A: Yes.

Q: Any music?
A: I don't know yet. ... No.

Q: When will you buy a third electric guitar?
A: So far my motorcycle has not been returned by the people who stole it. Any questions?

sábado, 1 de fevereiro de 2025

so to speak:):|:(

| Questions and Answers, Perguntas e Respostas, ... so to speak:):|:(

Q: Do you know what Israel means in esotericism?
A: Violence breeds violence. Whoever starts a war does not want peace. Whoever invades is not a friend. ... Enemies are not welcome.

Q: Would you need a payment of (BRL) R$ 100.000,00 per month to be considered a normal person by the society where the electorate is and to have a happy life?
A: No, you wouldn't even need a (BRL) R$ 1.000.000,00 monthly payment, or a (BRL) R$ 1.500.000,00 monthly payment.

Q: What do you think about the recent research you did on the internet and indirectly came across the topic of celebrity payments?
A: I don't believe that everything I found indirectly is true. It mentioned monthly payments, not funds, but it is easy to see that the smallest part of what is obtained in money by the private sector reaches the government, the largest part stays with the private sector. Payment is payment, funds are funds.

Q: What is the photograph above?
A: A dessert plate with some pieces of fried cassava.
The dish is a survivor from the time when I was living a healthy labor movement, bought before a playboy was elected president of the republic by a treacherous electorate.
Cassava is from this current era where humans are being progressively replaced by automation, ... It will not be the Church, nor the Temple, nor any other religious organization, that will provide paid work for all humans in this every man for himself so that they can have access to products and services.
If I wanted to buy more sophisticated plates I could have, but my proposal for setting up a home was simpler, less complex.
In this plate there is a reference to linotype printing in the design, and a reference to a tattoo made by a person who is new to tattooing, not me because I have never been a tattoo artist, but more than once I have made drawings to be tattooed.
Para começar estava muito bom:
LaR Feliz LaR. Alguma dúvida amoR?

Q: If you had a daughter, would you give her the name of a perfume brand as her first name?
A: No, no grazie.

Q: Any music?
A: No.

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

The photograph of the photograph:):|:(

| Questions and Answers, and so on, ...

Q: Is the symbol (c) always completely correct when you use it in images?
A: If I photograph a person, I do not own that person, except for a self-portrait.
If I photograph an image that was taken by someone else then the symbol (c) is not related to me at all.
The main meaning of the symbol (c) is to mention to a visitor, specifically a lay person, that the image was made by a person, it was not made by Artificial Intelligence, and if it were, Artificial Intelligence depends on images generated by people to generate images, it depends on photographs made by humans, it depends on illustrations made by humans, audios, ... behind Artificial Intelligence there are humans working, those humans are not totally invisible.

Q: Were the nazis defeated by the Summer of Love set to the sounds of The Stooges?
A: No, not even with any Marilyn Manson live show, the chronology does not match the events.

Q: Will you update those hosted pages?
A: No need to, they are still current.
I don't have any free time in my life to waste on what is superfluous in rock culture. I have no interest in immortalizing what is superfluous in rock culture.
I don't study to become more and more ignorant.
I have never felt inferior to anyone, I always try to do better than I did before.


segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers, Q/A; Perguntas e Respostas, P/R; ...

Q: Did you think about becoming a gynecologist at some point in your life?
A: No, never. I ruled out any career related to Medicine before other careers, I couldn't imagine myself as a surgeon, to this day I can't watch some programs on TV about surgery, but I certainly recognize the usefulness of good professionals in Medicine, not greedy mercenary capitalists.

Q: Have you used Baixar O. Assado's ophthalmological services at any point in your life?
A: No, never.

Q: Have you ever thought about sitting on a pudding with caramel sauce and then sitting on an anthill?
A: No, never. I try to make good use of communication interfaces, I consider them hygienic, they help to avoid unpleasant situations. I don't know if by answering this question I generated some animosity or even started a war. It's also worth mentioning that I never wanted to have an anteater as a pet.

Q: Are there any recent films that interest you?
A: The poster of one of them interested me, it could have been me who made that poster, there was identification, but at the moment I don't remember the name of the film, and doing research consumes the flow of internet usage, specifically watching a video, also listening to some music, I always think about economy in my day-to-day life.

Q: Do the positions of the tanks in the illustrations point to a direction?
A: Apparently so.

Q: What can't you feel in the illustrations?
A: The unpleasant noise of the tank in operation, the horrible shaking of the tank in motion, the abominable smell of burning fuel, the always unhealthy environment to be in military life or to be a civilian, ... But the illustrations are really very well done, those hideous machines didn't even need to be manufactured. Why manufacture a child to seasonally give him a governmental and institutional insanity well represented by war? What will he be when he grows up? An illustrator??

Q: Are all the logos used still current?
A: Not one of them.

Q: Is it possible to look at something and always see, or most of the time, the same appearance, the same essence?
A: Interesting question. Is this question about antimatter?

Q: Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood by publishing these military images?
A: Perhaps the excellent illustrator was a civilian, not a military man. French? English?

Q: Do military life and marriage go together?
A: My honest opinion is that they don't go together, it's either civilian life or military life.

Q: Were you able to survive the weight of this publication?
A: Transforming the images into a pencil drawing simulation made the look lighter.

Q: Hot or cold?
A: Cold.

Q: A-Ha or ABBA?

Q: Any other answers?
A: Any other questions?

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

illustrious neighbors:):|:(

| Questions and answers, ...

Q: Why in the last post did you turn the pages of a book into drawings?
A: To review the path of something that was sketched, drawn, painted, built, photographed, but from my point of view it could have been sketched, drawn, painted, but not built. I also took the opportunity to use an app that transforms photographs into drawings, I got it in a promotion in the store where it is published.
I've had that book since I was a child, I got it as a gift from someone I cared about, she's no longer alive, but what I like about that book isn't the weapons, it's the work of an illustrator who created realistic or hyperrealistic illustrations, illustrations that try to be like a photograph or even go beyond photography. When I became interested in model making, I also liked the realistic or hyperrealistic illustrations on the boxes of products to be assembled, painting them made them more presentable as miniatures of the originals. I also liked the work of the person who painted and assembled models that were displayed in the display case of a well-known model making store here in this huge city. Later, I found out that he was my neighbor. I even visited his humble home studio, where the models that went to the store's display case came from, to be placed next to the product box and fill my eyes with desire. In relation to the painting of the assembled miniatures, I didn't go much further, I didn't even come close to the quality of the work of the one who painted and assembled the miniatures displayed in the store. In relation to the realistic and hyper-realistic illustrations, I really wanted to go further, to do better and better, ... Going this path I made an illustration about the Tarot of Marseille where I placed a man manipulating those cards, I don't know exactly if the place where I placed him was a castle, a church, a temple, or an equivalent place, later in time I realized that the man would be the one indicated to be the next head of the Vatican State, a stranger to me, Ratzinger, he even infiltrated the nazi milieu to try to find out if the nazis were genuine supporters of the crucifixion. ... And so, I began to realize the power of art, to materialize something that is not visible, or does not yet exist.

Q: Have you seen one of the two parts of the film Dune (2021)?
A: Neither of the two parts from start to finish, I considered the film very intellectual and introspective, but visually rich, in that it would be a more adult version of the films about that Harry Potter (1997~2007), which I also had no interest or patience to watch from start to finish. I currently want to stay away from that topic. ... I am not subordinate to those people, but those people depend on artists to appear as forefront before others.

Q: Are you at the vanguard of something?
A: If so, no one has told me.

Q: Would you be able to get back inside your mum and dad?
A: No, impossible.

Q: Were you always late for rehearsals?
A: No.

Q: Are stopping immigration, and even migration, sensitive issues?
A: Yes. But I don't need to go to the United States of America to feel free, nor do I need to go to China to buy a product Made in China, in IT they are present.

Q: Do you feel obliged to speak English fluently in order to participate in any social network?
A: No.

Q: Is the capital of the Earth in the United States of America?
A: Does that exist?

Q: How enjoyable is it to write and listen to someone learning to play the violin?
A: Terrible!

Q: What if it was a beautiful woman?
A: Terrible?

Q: What do you think about a brown supremacist who believes that beige is white, and the color white is inferior to black, and black is never darkness, black is light?
A: Apparently that person is confused and has no knowledge whatsoever about the subject. ... Banana is not the name of a mayor or president, banana is a fruit. ... The question is about black light??

Q: Did you feel obliged to transform, at some point in your life, one of the spaces where you lived into a meeting point for marijuana smokers whose main idols are: Malcolm X, B. Marley, E. Guevara?
A: No, no thanks.

Q: Did you ever want to turn Amélia into an 'any woman'?
A: No, not even her sister. They weren't my friends, but I've been to some places they were too, but that's a distant past and almost completely irrelevant.

Q: Will you exploit the labor of the young to enrich yourself?
A: A pergunta é sobre peidofilia??

Q: Do you know anything about the history of the pun'?
A: I can't answer right now because I'm busy.

Q: Why don't you publish better quality material?
A: Because I'm not a toilet paper manufacturer.

Q: What is the topic of this post?
A: I don't understand what the question is about.

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2025

Convergent, divergent, dissident, expedient.

| Questions and answers, title, images:

Q: In the previous post, did you put rivets in your author citation?
A: No, I didn't even put any lights around the mirror.

Q: Why are there so many repeated keywords in recent publications?
A: I thought it was relevant.

Q: What percentage of words do you know from a dictionary?
A: The amount has increased little by little.

Q: Why is something developed by a developer?
A: To combat extinction.

Q: What will this post be about?
A: I'm thinking about it, ...

Q: Will you mention at least one abbreviation?
A: It is possible, I will mention some films that I watched on TV and considered them relevant, above average of those that usually show on TV.

Q: Which?
A: Enemy at the Gates (2001), The Whistleblower (2010), The Lovely Bones (2009).

Q: Would you like to comment on them?
A: It could be. In short:
Enemy at the Gates (2001); film based on a historical event, WW2, which was the restart of WW1, for worse, much worse.
The Whistleblower (2010); not even the UN was immune to capitalist corruption.
The Lovely Bones (2009); a film about the incredible cerebral world of a serial killer, simple reasoning can get lost in the darkness and be structured into perverse and heinous practices, sequentially.

Q: Do you like your bones?
A: Yes. I think, I believe, and I consider my bones indispensable for the support of my intelligence.
In the distant past of my life, I would relate the approach of that beautiful film, about a specifically ugly subject, to a good and beautiful interpretation of spiritism, but time passed and I experienced other interpretations, and with that I continued to do updates on various subjects, including the spiritist lie, about totalitarian and authoritarian people, liars, malicious, corrupt, who place traps in a person's path for him to fall into, and then appear before public opinion as victims, specifically lying women, and disguised racist browns who act as an electoral arm.

Q: Do you fully believe what communications agencies and press offices publish working for the people who are paying them?
A: Advertising is not journalism. The flow of money is multi-existential in capitalism.

Q: What do you like to watch on TV these days?
A: Between the constant and repetitive simulations of violence of two keys on the keyboard, drugs & guns, guns & drugs, and real violence, I prefer to watch documentaries with True Crime content, they are more didactic, but predictable.

Q: Why two life sentences?
A: Perhaps because if that hideous person believes that spiritism is true, it is not a doctrinal lie, and he will return after death, he will return to live another life sentence. Perhaps more life sentences are to make the reasoning more emphatic.

Q: What else is on TV?
A: Documentaries related to the emergence and expansion of nazism. There really is a huge amount of them, very well structured and full of information, really educational. It is not possible to watch them all in sequence before going to sleep, really need something milder, a painkiller. Some of those documentaries are truly worthy of being awarded for their quality, and one of them in particular, told in a series, caught my attention, the stories are told by people from another generation, sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, descendants of people who lived through that, regardless of which side those people's parents and grandparents were on.

Q: Was your biological father a war hero?
A: Not that I know of, but if he had really gone to Europe in the late thirties or early forties, there is at least a fifty percent chance that I would never have been born because he would have died before me, in this, a really very mysterious mystery, when the United States of America stepped onto the moon and looked down at the Earth, the astronauts did not gaze at an ambiguous red ball with a white circle on it, and in the middle of that white circle a neo-buddhist logo about climate change. The nazis were really nazis, they really believed in what they were doing, they really believed in the industrial revolution, the survivors of that time are witnesses to that.

Q: Would you like to mention an ambiguous song related to the topic?
A: RAMONES - It's a Long Way Back.
Maybe it's a song about jews who wanted to go back to live in Germany, not finally go live in Israel.

Q: Would you like a new Hitler to emerge?
A: This is a well-known and old question: no.

Q: Are the images you added to encourage an arms race?
A: No, to remind people that war is a waste.

Q: Could you explain why transporting a water tank from one place to another on a planet where there is no rain?
A: Is the question related to the movie Paris, Texas (1984)?

Q: You didn't mention the movie Hanna (2011).
A: I didn't forget, I was going to mention it.
I don't know if the film could be considered a cyberpunk film, I don't think so, but it resembles either of the two Blade Runner films, but less futuristic, closer to something that could be found in the real world, like in the film The Numbers Station (2013).

Q: Is having a woman in a film a criterion for mentioning a film?
A: No. The criterion is that the film is relevant. Sophisticated computer graphics and sophisticated special effects are also not one of the criteria, the film may not be sophisticated but may be relevant, but today's films are no longer simple, if they ever were simple, and their dynamics are different, scenes change in less than a second.

Q: Do you support all the keywords you mentioned in this post?
A: No.

Q: Anything else?
A: It was a common and constant situation not to sleep in order to have to meet short deadlines to deliver work. One of those times, when my body was more resistant, while I was waiting for the coffee to be ready in the kitchen, which was also a photo lab, I refreshed myself by taking a picture of the sun rising on the horizon, from the place where I worked, the living room transformed into a studio.
Nowadays, disenchanted, but not yet completely, I see some images on TV that I know the language and know how to make, I have experienced them, but that alone is no longer enough, and it is not necessary to print rolls of toilet paper for them to be consumed by the electorate that is in society.
Yet another superfluous craftsman in today's automated and robotized civilization to live in a police state with daily facial verification? How many futuristic fiction films have addressed the subject? Several.

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025


| Title, text, ...

Q: Do you consider yourself a criminal abbreviation?
A: No, I don't consider myself a criminal abbreviation, I've never considered myself a criminal abbreviation.

Q: Do you trust the government 100%?
A: No, and not just today.

Q: How often do you watch the news on TV?
A: I watch it on more than one channel every week, and I also find news on the internet when I do research.

Q: Does your brain have a hostility detector?
A: Yes, and it's not new.

Q: Was your biological father far-right?
A: He was not an albino.

Q: Is it possible to compose rock music without being derived from blues music?
A: Yes, 100% for sure.

Q: Is the banana a racist symbol?
A: It's not, it never has been, and I really don't believe anyone would pay a considerable sum of money for just one.

Q: Do you consider yourself a backfire?
A: I wasn't born yet when that expression came up, a time when automation was still in development, being perfected, at that time there was no W3C or W3S yet.
The more knowledge a person has, the more accurate the keywords will be.

Q: When will there be a truce in the capitalist system?
A: In the last week of the occidental year there will be some nostalgic silence in the region, also in the following week to a lesser extent, but then the urban noise will gradually return. Have I answered the question?

Q: Have you validated your web pages to current standards?
A: When I have some free time I will study the subject and think about whether it is feasible to put that study into practice. ... It is not feasible at the moment, but it is certainly necessary to be informed about the subject to find out if changes have occurred and what they are. ... Is HTML5 obsolete?

Q: What do you think about the expression giving birth?
A: It's an expression that wasn't invented by a newborn.

Q: What do you think about the gallery of images that you have published on your account here at Blogger.com?
A: Current, with personality, relevant, coherent, but there are no images of exotic panoramic landscapes to delight the eye, it is mainly an urban gallery.

Q: What do you think about a girl who doesn't have a car or a house, but she has at least one child?
A: Stop esoteric terrorism.

P: Por que você não foi no Hollywood Rock?
R: Porque eu não fumo. Did you understand?

Q: Do you know what the abbreviation RW is?
A: It's a feature of a product, but I didn't find that product the last time I went to the store.

Q: Anything to finish this post?
A: Something obvious:|:( Abbreviations can be the same or similar, but they can have very different meanings.

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

Что-нибудь еще? Щось ще?

| Title for text, images for both:

Q: Anything else?
A: Sporadically I do more precise research on the internet to try to find out if I can find something that is closer to who I really am in that www territory, before the emergence of the internet and after its advancement, something that did not exist in the past.
I keep coming across erroneous and wide-ranging information as a result of at least one publisher for whom I illustrated some book covers, I was never the author of those books.
I also noticed that the amount of initials has increased since the last survey years ago, and apparently most of those initials have 'regional accents' from places I've never set foot in, I've never been there. Not goo:|:(
... ¿gross??
If I am not friends with someone, that unknown person is not my friend.
Otherwise, I didn't vote for some of them, I 'killed' them all.
Any questions?

Q: Any other news?
A: I've gone back to publishing on Hubhopper.com, then I'll go back to publishing on Spotify for Creators:

Q: Do you miss anything besides your motorcycle that was stolen?
A: I miss the time when I could sleep well and not worry about anything. ... É bom não ter 'amigos'.

P: Por que você republicou aqui alguns dos seus textos?
R: Eu considerei relevante ser enfático.
Eu realmente não gosto quando uma pessoa publica algo equivocado sobre um assunto, especificamente quando o assunto pode ter alguma relação comigo indiretamente, e isso não é de hoje. Isso é ainda muito pior quando uma pessoa mal-intencionada tenta fabricar uma história me usando, mas eu mesmo nunca conversei com aquela pessoa, eu nunca encontrei aquela pessoa em algum lugar por onde eu passei. ... Não existe a obrigação que uma amizade dure uma vida inteira, é uma situação normal com o passar do tempo, especificamente após o fim do Colegial, atual Ensino Médio, pessoas se distanciarem e até mesmo nunca mais se encontrarem. ... Não desperdice o seu tempo tentando imortalizar mentiras.

Q: Was your biological father far-right?
A: He was not an albino.

Q: Is the banana a racist symbol?
A: It's not, it never has been, and I really don't believe anyone would pay a considerable sum of money for just one.

Q: Is it possible to compose rock music without being derived from blues music?
A: Yes, 100% for sure.

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025


| Text and images for a title:

Q: Are you in a hurry to die?
A: No, I can wait until misfortune happens, and I always like to mention that I do not celebrate the crucifixion of the famous and legendary Jesus on 12/25 performed by his mother and father, spiritual lover of the nun Benedetta, she who never had a Lambretta, his birth I consider more and more irrelevant every day.
I would also like to emphatically mention that I am not a member of the front commission of any samba school, I have no interest in samba, never had, in my existence samba is almost completely irrelevant, I went to the educational places to study. Any questions??

Q: What about rap, text spoken in a rhythmic way?
A: I answered this question recently, rap is not music, I was not made in Africa.

Q: Any other news?
A: I've gone back to publishing on Hubhopper.com, then I'll go back to publishing on Spotify for Creators:

Q: Anything else?
A: Sporadically I do more precise research on the internet to try to find out if I can find something that is closer to who I really am in that www territory, before the emergence of the internet and after its advancement, something that did not exist in the past.
I keep coming across erroneous and wide-ranging information as a result of at least one publisher for whom I illustrated some book covers, I was never the author of those books.
I also noticed that the amount of initials has increased since the last survey years ago, and apparently most of those initials have 'regional accents' from places I've never set foot in, I've never been there. Not goo:|:(
... ¿gross??
If I am not friends with someone, that unknown person is not my friend.
Otherwise, I didn't vote for some of them, I 'killed' them all.
Any questions?

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2025


| Text and images for a title:

Q: What do you think about grouping people into generations?
A: Honestly? Limited, incomplete, biased, totalitarian, authoritarian, even ridiculous.

Q: What would be your 'generation'?
A: My group would perhaps be those who went and came back, a previous group of those who went and never came back, they left, you won't find those people on the moon or on Mars.

Q: Do you know who the people are who develop theories with the pretense of sacred truth?
A: No, I don't even want to know, but I consider a plumber much more useful, it's not even necessary for him to be brought from India, as well as the selective collection service for garbage, garbage for recycling and organic garbage.

Q: Do you consider your work repetitive?
E: No, I consider my work emphatic.

Q: Coffee break?
A: A break to make sure the coffee powder is ready to be drunk as coffee.

Q: Ready?
A: Not yet.

Q: Do you believe that on December 25th of this year God will finally emerge from nonexistence and bring your motorcycle back?
A: No, I don't.

Q: Do you find it unpleasant to answer questions that you have asked previously?
A: No, it can be an excuse to be creative and emphatic again.

Q: And the coffee?
A: I drank it.

Q: Did you choose any images?
A: Before I wrote anything in this post I selected the images for it, and before that the title.

Q: Would you like to mention any songs?
A: No, but I would like to mention that it was interesting and relevant to watch on TV at least one good documentary about the band and the group ABBA, without a doubt much better than seeing the insane and degenerate images of destruction in Ukraine and Gaza on the news, it is really very sad to see images of destroyed homes, homes where there were families who wanted to live in peace, whoever starts a war does not want peace.

Q: Will you attend the event to restart the administration of the persistent, worn-out, and aging Donald?
A: No, but I will probably see something about it on TV or the internet at some point, it is not a priority in my life, I have never wanted to visit the United States of America. One of the priorities in my life is to be able to sleep peacefully.

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2025

Template is not _emplar.

| Questions and answers pre-diagrammed in the (Google) Blogger template and illustrated by me:

Q: When you rode your motorcycle up the ramp shown in the small image on the QR Code, did you imagine that you were riding a horse heading to the center of gravity of the place where the capital of a country would be built?
A: No, I thought and believed that I was going to stop my motorcycle in a place where it was allowed to stop it, the guard who was in charge of security at the place did not mention anything about the subject.
It was a motorcycle, not a Mustang.
I've never done any Meat L. (ML) cover or back cover.
I never considered myself a consequence of the baby boom, I'm not a spare part in the Armed Forces, I don't have to always agree with laws I didn't write, written directly or indirectly by politicians I never voted for. Any doubts?

Q: What was the place?
A: At that time it was a health center, currently I don't know what the place shown in the small image in the QR Code is.

Q: Was there another alternative?
A: I had the option of using private healthcare services, which I paid for at the time, but due to distance and knowing a doctor who worked there and she also worked nearby in the trade union where I worked, I opted for care there, but if I had opted for private healthcare services, my motorcycle might not have been stolen because it was a more isolated and protected location, it wasn't on an avenue, it was something like a dead end street, a better lit location, and more middle class, it's worth mentioning this.

Q: In your opinion, what happened was because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
A: No, I was in the right place during the opening hours of that place.

Q: Was it something personal?
A: I think and believe it wasn't because they were sequences of thefts in short intervals of time, and something they all had in common was the same place of work or related to it, a trade union.

Q: Were you a member of a criminal organization when you worked in a trade union?
A: I thought and believed no, in short, no.
The crime was the theft of my motorcycle, the theft of the lawyer's car, who would later become a judge, ...

Q: What do you think about a person who tries to beat up coworkers inside the workplace during working hours?
A: In the past he was partly humanist and laborist, but he had a totalitarian and authoritarian tendency that turned into a fascist tendency, his Italian origin helped in that, and that tendency prevailed in him with the every man for himself of the advance of information technology. In that incident he was unable to prevent other people from working in the same professional area, even less with the advancement of the internet, and especially with fast internet, broadband.
People suffer because their parents did not prevent pregnancy.

Q: Any music?
A: What for??