sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2024


Language, translation, intuition, premonition, omen, nightmare, ... it is really useful to define the exact meaning of words related to other knowledge that is not at least directly related to Exact Sciences, knowledge related to Human Sciences, but without wanting to associate and transforming those exact definitions into something related to some dogma, doctrine, and even less into a totalitarian and authoritarian science as the nazis did when they were in charge of Germany and other countries invaded and annexed by them, there is also no need for a medical, chemical, scientific, mathematical explanation of those various words. Just to state my concern as a social media user.

All of the web hosting sites I signed up for had the 'index' page as the mandatory home page, so it wasn't difficult to find a situation where the name 'index' was already in use in some signup, so I had to using the name 'iiiindexxxx' the first time I tried to use the name 'index', if it were today perhaps the name used would be 'iiiiiindexxxxxx'.

What is the origin of the word index?

"Time does not forgive, it condemns."

quinta-feira, 14 de março de 2024

People dying without saying goodbye.

It is not the same object, nor is it the same interpretation, in relation to the government, there will be an election, the capitalist system will remain the same, outside and inside, below and above, before and after, a good job of simulation in painting of the photographed object, no one by my side, people dying without saying goodbye.


In some part of the film Blade Runner 2049 it was perhaps explained why most of the images don't appear on and almost nothing works correctly on that 'artistic' social network, but it is possible to find traces that people left, or not, I don't know if what happened would be related to Detroit, the city without factories, and without water.

quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2024

capitalist crimes

In the TV news there are at least two relevant global armed conflicts taking place, Russia x Ukraine, more distant in chronology, and more recently Hammas x Israel, about the latter it is possible to mention as guerrilla crimes x War Crimes, also as terrorism x Terrorism, or guerrilla terrorism x State Terrorism, Cuba is apparently forgotten, it is as if it were an island, not a desert with little humidity, even The Rolling Stones recently appeared on TV performing there, or somewhere else in some America that is labeled as Latin, with some intention of it being Central, perhaps having a can of beer at the end of the week I see Latin, and even Central, in another way, but in a time of self-proclamation of representation, brown supremacism and others pejorative isms, I interpret all of this in a more realistic way, the worse the better is worse for everyone, bad, evil.

Changing the subject?

When I saw and heard the group~band New Model Army (NMA) live not so far from here for the first and last time, I didn't witness anyone being executed by gunfire, nor people being blown up, nor was anyone kidnapped at the event, nor was anyone raped, even less dismembered, there was no violence in the live performance, it was a performance without great sophistication in terms of lighting and also in audio, as if I were at the band rehearsal, but with a little more resources, it is useful to mention this, it is also useful to mention that the band~group went through difficulties that would be more than enough for the band to never exist again, something that didn't happen. I went to that presentation alone because I wouldn't have been able to pay the ticket for one more person, for this economic reason I didn't buy a more recent CD from them before the pandemic, they had only imported, in currency conversion prices very far from my new reality in a time of neoliberalism and neocolonialism. At that time the TV was an optional, not the stereo.

If you want to see and listen to a video related to this publication, click here.

terça-feira, 12 de março de 2024


I didn't go to California or New York now in 2024/03 to photograph, while I was dedicated to my almost agnostic vintage photographic obsession, therefore also related to other arts, I achieved an artistic result that recalls the last social network I signed up for, out of curiosity and synchronicity in relation to the apps that were interesting to me at that time, I made a GIF animation and I will try to publish it on, I will publish it on if I don't succeed, or on both social networks. Until the next publication. ... Unfortunately only shows the first image of the animation in GIF, so I chose to break it down into at least three weather seasons.

A human touch in photography:

Just a night photo while I was using an app trying to find out if it freezes its display in low lighting and if more frequently than in normal lighting, writing differently, from one slavery to another, with color.

Heading into the night, ...

Heading into the night, a reflection in the darkness.