domingo, 3 de novembro de 2024

Mars was never a chocolate candy:|:

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: When will you ignore Mars?
A: When there are no more interesting images sent to NASA from Mars to Earth that reach my eyes through an app from a developer based in the USA, the app even has visual and audible notifications about new images available, I don't even need to go to Mars to capture existential images, the images in the app come from NASA & JPL, some are colored by them using Artificial Intelligence, I just try to enhance them so that it is possible to differentiate the foreground and background.

Q: What about the TV?
A: The remote control was a revolution in TV, more of a revolution than it is the internet, it's useful to mention that TV hasn't become obsolete with the computer revolution, but it no longer has the relevance it had in those more totalitarian and authoritarian times where there were fewer communication options and communication was almost totally one-way, the point of view of the people who worked there in that environment, from top to bottom, from the inside out, be careful not to be a target, if you don't agree with something go live on the moon or Mars.
Out of curiosity and memory loss, ironically I'm watching the TV series Deutschland 83 (2015) again, I mentioned it in Deutschland 83~86 (#104) published by me on on 2020/03.
I was alive at that time, I saw no inconsistency in what was shown in the series, including the excessive consumption of cigarettes, which is one of the icons of what is superfluous in capitalism, cigarettes were one of the products advertised on TV in that capitalist and totalitarian era, the remote control helped to combat smoking, I never smoked, cigarettes are not jet propulsion.

Q: Anything else? Would you like to mention any music?
A: That could be it. I remember that in at least one of the episodes of the series Deutschland 83 the presence of punks is mentioned in the daily life and political scenario of that time, coherent, and relevant because they are not shown as stereotypes of something real, eles não são mostrados como um ridículo e quase totalmente supérfluo Supla que atualmente aparece na TV com um visual germânico e nipônico estilizado como brasileiro, as for the song, it could be Doesn't Make It Alright by the group Stiff Little Fingers, not because of the series, but because of the series I would choose a song by the group Discharge, for example the song Decontrol, or the song Free Speech for The Dumb, for sure a group more related to the series than the group SLF, for me the band Stiff Little Fingers are the group The Beatles in punk version, also the group RAMONES with a characteristic punk rock.

Q: Anything else?
A: Later.

"Jet propulsion is not love, jet propulsion is the purest hatred."


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