terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2024

Is the end near?

| Questions and Answers based on these images:

Q: How long does it take for a person to get tired of the monotony on Mars?
A: I don't know, but a year seems like a long time.

Q: Do you still identify with everything related to rock music and rock culture?
A: I answered this question in at least one of the previous posts. No.

Q: Why did you kill James D. M. (The Doors)?
A: I didn't kill him.

Q: Have you watched the movie The Doors (1991)?
A: Yes, at the cinema in the city where I worked and lived, the playboy in the presidency of the republic & his government clan didn't stop me from watching it, but until now my motorcycle hasn't been returned by whoever stole it, I'm still waiting so I can sell it, so I can buy a new & obsolete computer, so I can study and then spend more money on upgrades & updates, so I can restart my professional life.

Q: Did anything strange happen while you were watching the movie?
A: Yes, suddenly someone behind me covered my eyes. 💛 This differentiates life on Earth from life on the moon, and from life on Mars, which is much further away. 🖤

Q: Why agriculture?
A: Because I need food to stay alive.

Q: Are you currently living in hunger?
A: Currently I am no longer living on coffee to avoid feeling sleepy and bakery bread to have something in my stomach, the margarine to spread on the bread was when I received the payment after I delivered the finished art, eating was not a priority. It is also useful to mention, in addition to margarine, toilet paper, people buy more toilet paper than textbooks, supplementary books, and school notebooks.

Q: Do you remember when you died?
A: I'll answer that question another time.

Q: Do you know the difference between a panela and a Pamela?
A: That's a high school joke. I'm not a spiritualist.

Q: Do you know what a script is?
A: It's not easy to be a programmer, but it's probably less difficult than learning Japanese and similar languages.

Q: Anything else?
A: It's good not to be famous.

Q: Any music?
A: The sound transition between The Stooges' first studio album in 1969, under the band's name, and their second studio album, under the name Fun House (1970), is relevant in relation to the band and the history of rock music, the first is the sound of that period, the second is the sound maturity of the first.
Regarding learning the Japanese language, ... ⌛

Q: Do you plan to reach a wider audience when you go to Mars after Mars comes to you?
A: I don't really know what the definition of adulthood is for every inhabited place on planet Earth.

Q: What do you think about the electrification of K-Pop and the like?
A: No surprise, electronica is part of their culture, I knew there was an influence of rock music in what was, and still is, called the orient, from bands that performed there live and even recorded albums from those performances, Deep Purple, KISS, The Runaways, The Clash, ... I don't really know the full list.

Q: Will this be your last publication this year?
A: I don't know.

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