quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2025

Donuts from Mars?

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Will European be the name given to whoever colonizes Jupiter's moon Europa?
A: I don't want to colonize the moon.

Q: What did you think the last time you drew a picture of this solar system, this galaxy? Saturn?
A: The possibility of some galaxy collision, but that past is distant.

Q: Why surf music?
A: I like the topics mentioned, it is one of the good alternatives to the electric guitar, not the only one, much better than watching that documentary about the unhygienic Woodstock 99 festival. It is not difficult for a person who likes rock music not to see themselves represented by rock culture, specifically when it is the mass culture coming from the United States of America, in this it would be better to see and hear a live performance by the musician Peter F. or the band America in the first half of the seventies, a refreshing breeze in the unhygienic Woodstock 99.

Q: Have you been following the work of the band NMA?
A: Not the music, but the art and photographs about the band, I'm a little distant from rock music from bands that are active, but from one moment to the next I may want to get closer to the subject, or not.

Q: What can't you do?
A: Wait for the society in which the electorate lives to become intelligent and not put unbridled procreation into practice.

Q: Is a 'domestic' cat a problem for a human or is a human a problem for a cat that has to be domesticated?
A: A cat cannot be blamed for human ignorance about them. More than one 'domestic' animal and more than one child are not a good combination for a harmonious home. Do not mistreat animals in your care.

Q: Have you ever had the feeling that Artificial Intelligence is monitoring you?
A: That's not the worst feeling, the worst feeling is imagining that Artificial Intelligence doesn't want me to be smarter than it.

Q: Any music?
A: Honestly? No. It's good to live in a quiet place, it's good not to be famous. Surf music and the so-called 'guitarrada' are two good alternatives to the electric guitar.

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2025

Mars or ice cream?

| Questions and answers based on these photographs:

Q: Do you imagine crunchy chocolate ice cream when you see images of the surface of Mars provided by NASA?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Would you choose to go to Mars or choose to enjoy a delicious ice cream if you only had two alternatives?
A: If ice cream only existed in photographs, I would choose to see photographs of Mars.

Q: Don't you get tired of continuing with Arts and Communication activities?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Do you know if Mars is completely divided up for private enterprise with government management?
A: I think and believe that the capitalists will try to annex to themselves what they are observing.

Q: Did life on planet Earth begin after you were born?
A: I am my historical landmark.

Q: Do you worry that someone might want to kill themselves after reading something you wrote?
A: I think and believe that it would be inconsistent for a person to jump out of a window while reading one of my publications.

Q: What do you stop to see and hear to on TV these days?
A: Relevant documentaries, True Crime documentaries, music from active bands that I like but with some restrictions, relevant films, and varied subjects so as not to ignore what society is putting into practice with the intention of impoverishing me.

Q: Have you ever had a finger pecked by a duck in your life?
A: Sim, uma única vez, quando eu era criança, eu estava em férias escolares e viajei com os meus pais, eu estava em um pequeno barco em um lago e quis dar miolo de pão para um pato, ele pegou o miolo de pão e o meu dedo, a bicada é dolorida. Os livros cristãos direcionados para as crianças mostram uma natureza purificada onde até os animais predadores são amigos dos seres humanos, mas isso não é verdade, é mentira. The Church is a master at telling lies to children.

Q: Anything else?
A: 😟 I no longer have patience for some situations that are constant on TV. 😫

Q: Did you like the app?
A: 🙃💬 Testing, ... ⏳🏁

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2025

Curiosity? Perseverance? Ingenuity??

| Perguntas e Respostas, P/R; Questions and Answers, Q/R; ...

P: O que você pensa sobre uma resposta construída pela Inteligência Artificial a partir de uma pergunta técnica que você fez para o suporte de uma marca muito conhecida?
R: Aparentemente a linha de produção automatizada da fábrica é a resposta, mas isso não faz o produto não ser caro. Ainda a partir do que eu penso, eu não estou precisando de um produto novo, eu não sou consumista. Mais? Até esse momento a minha motocicleta não foi devolvida por quem a furtou. ... Also, I never wanted to be a suburban playboy, appearing in a photograph wearing some imitation of Ray Ban sunglasses, a look easily related to a stereotype of a police officer from the early seventies.

Q: What is the purpose of infernal heat?
A: To make a person tired.

Q: More?
A: No.

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2025


| Images for questions and answers:

Q: What is the meaning of the title of this publication?
A: The topic is the inefficiency of the human digestive system compared to devices derived from the Exact Sciences. I mention soup as an apparent alternative to reduce waste.

Q: Você em algum momento da sua vida quis ter a profissão de 'designer' de sobrancelhas?
A: Não seja uma mulher ridícula.
It's also worth mentioning here that I never wanted to be a designer of female pubic hair, much less male pubic hair. They can resolve the natural difficulties of the countless female conditions on their own, in this a mirror can be useful for some introspection, for a basic start to self-management.

Q: What do you think a woman would think after reading the previous answer?
A: #MeToo??

Q: What song would be good for that answer?
A: Dancing Queen (ABBA)? MammaMia (Måneskin)? New York Dolls - Who Are The Mistery Girls??

Q: Have you watched the movie The Brown Lagoon?
A: I don't know the film, but every time it rains a lot the subject emerges in the news in a natural, urban and catastrophic way, with various losses.

Q: Have you watched the movie Live Hard 1.0.2?
A: No, it wasn't possible, I didn't have the necessary hardware.

Q: Do you still have the breath to publish more?
A: My lungs are fine, I've never been a smoker.

Q: How much does planet Earth vibrate on a daily basis?
A: I don't know, I'll do some research on the subject later.

Q: Is it less bad for a building to collapse while it is being built or after someone is living in it?
A: Evitar gravidez ainda é a melhor alternativa.
Morar em uma casa térrea é melhor que morar em uma edificação com mais andares.
Currently I am the main living witness of my life.

Q: Do you think and believe that the end is near?
A: Occasionally a relevant app appears in the app store, perhaps at some point I will test it and it may remain installed. This month, as of the date of this publication, two more small apps have been installed and tested, useful and are already in use. I really don't know exactly what the next app will be.

Q: Why are you always late?
A: Because it is humanly impossible to stay awake every day of the year.
P: Por que você está sempre atrasado?
R: Porque é humanamente impossível ficar acordado todos os dias do ano.
Um sistema político & econômico que tenta transformar uma pessoa em ao menos uma máquina de gerar dinheiro, é um sistema desumano, totalitário e autoritário. Does the person have to adapt to the system? The system also has to adapt to the person. At least I mentioned this, there are people who didn't even do this.

Q: What would apparently explain a person being thin?
A: Deprivation through generations.

Q: Have you ever had thoughts that you were decrypting something hidden?
A: This is really a very mysterious question, until now I still haven't thought about what image will illustrate this publication, but I won't use a childish and colorful image generated by Artificial Intelligence, based on what is shown in the news, Donald's management is far from those characteristic images.

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2025

Is dust culture?

| Questions and answers for an image:

Q: Which place is better to incinerate trash, Mars or the Sun?
A: Through which company, TrashX?

Q: Does good attract evil, or evil attracts good?
A: The answer would not be 50%/50%.

Q: For a vibrating object, is it better to screw or rivet?
A: Simple, colloquial, academic, or corporate? It is not possible to summarize just in reelection or impeachment a subject that can be broad, but if the priority is security, riveting would be the most obvious choice, screwing would be the most predictable alternative if it is necessary at some point to have to enter the temporarily closed place, it is useful to mention that there is the lock washer, and if the colonizer is an invader who brings suspicious alien technologies, incomprehensible to other primitive cultures, including in the Congo, this reinforces the emergence of bands like the band Alien Sex Fiend, who use a primitive and theatrical language to express themselves, still within the spectrum found until the first semester of some course in Human Sciences, in Exact Sciences there is not much freedom for something without spending more time with calculations and equations and without having to go over that time spent from the capitalist point of view. This text that I wrote was a sample of what my high school years were like, the first year of college, and a few more years that followed.

Q: Does something mysterious catch your attention?
A: At the end of this week a documentary about college fraternities in the United States of America will be shown on TV. I intend to watch that documentary about a subject that is present in several films from that country, specifically comedy films.
😟 One of the well-known fraternities in the USA was the Playboy Mansion, I don't know if it still exists. 😫

Q: 🙂🙃💬 Do you make circles with Kin or Kern?
A: Nowadays, as a consequence of the advance of the decentralization of information technology, neither of them is professional. Without the use of information technology, it would be with Kern. Kin loosens with use, so it tends not to make exact circles, but depending on the models compared from each of the two brands, they can be equivalent and present the same problem over time. ... Avoiding pregnancy was the most correct alternative, really.

Q: Do you know exactly what the image you chose to illustrate some of your questions and answers is?
A: No, but apparently residue is being attracted to be analyzed, and if I interpreted correctly there are at least two screws missing that were either not installed or fell out due to the shaking, I won't be the one going there to replace them.


sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2025

Another approach on another subject.

| Questions and answers for a photograph:|:(

Q: What is the worst thing that could happen to someone?
A: Currently? I detected some situations, this for those who are not blind, deaf, mute, or some combination of the three:
01- Not being in command of your own life;
02- To have been born a woman;
03- Not having any computer knowledge, not having equipment;
04- Being illiterate or being treated as such;
05- Have any health problems;
06- Living in a war zone;
07- ...

Q: Why didn't you put 'living in a war zone' as a first misfortune?
A: Because it's an atypical situation, or it should be.

Q: What do you think about the new gender mutations?
A: The band Alien Sex Fiend was never my favorite band, I know almost nothing about the band. I don't really know if R. De Niro was a member of the band, nor if Phil S. had any participation in the studio.

Q: Do you get paid to work?
A: At this point I don't remember when I was 100% alive.

Q: Why don't you want to die?
A: Because I want to stay alive.

Q: Have you ever danced to disco music at any point in your life?
A: No, never, no thanks.

Q: Do you like it when you touch the screen of your device and it starts to dance?
A: No, I don't like it, I hate it when that happens.

Q: Do you consider your life a waste of time?
A: No.

Q: Do you intend to be public enemy number one?
A: No.

Q: Are you protected by God?
A: Who? No, I don't know.

Q: When you can't sleep, do you count sheep until you fall asleep?
A: No.

Q: When you're awake, which country seems most in tune with how you are currently?
A: Good question, I don't know if I have an exact answer at this moment, but perhaps the main problem is not the country, but rather the place that over time is undergoing constant and progressive changes for the worse, transforming it into a mixed region, without well-defined residential and commercial areas, not goo:(
⌛💬 In the last week of the year this place looks more like it did in the past, also in the first week of the following year, apart from this short interval of time no more.

Q: Is the photograph you included in this post a fake?
A: No, it is another interpretation of the original photograph.

Q: Anything else?
A: Not at this time.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2025

P/R, ...

| P/R, ...

P: Você foi até algum cinema para pagar para assistir o filme 'Eu não estou lá!'?
R: Não, eu não fui até o cinema para pagar para entrar e contradizer o nome do filme porque se eu tivesse pago para entrar eu estaria lá, não aqui, não sei se com isso eu estaria cometendo um ato criminoso, penso e acredito que não.

P: Você sabe a origem da palavra 'magrela'?
R: Talvez seja o encurtamento da frase 'ela é magra', portanto 'magrela'.

P: Você sabe a origem da palavra 'mortadela'?
R: Não, eu não sei. Também não sei se poderia ser relacionada com um crime passional.

P: Você teve curiosidade de pesquisar sobre o assunto?
R: Não, pesquisar consome o fluxo de dados na internet, os assuntos mencionados acima são irrelevantes, mesmo. ... Não farias, faço.

P: Você mencionava como 'magrela' cada uma das três bicicletas novas que você ganhou de presente do seu pai em três idades distintas a partir de quando você era criança?
R: Não, eu mencionava cada uma delas como bicicleta, não 'bike'. Eu não tenho mais nenhuma delas, e não é de agora. Útil mencionar que a última bicicleta nova que eu ganhei de presente do meu pai, com dez marchas, teve um dos componentes furtados e com isso a bicicleta ficou com cinco marchas, em um dia ela tinha dez marchas, no dia seguinte um furto transformou-a em uma biclicleta incompleta com cinco marchas. Vivendo, e aprendendo! ... Ninguém gosta de bandido, nem bandido gosta de bandido.

P: Você sabe se a antiga ministra da economia será deportada dos USA de maneira humorista pelo Donald?
R: 🙃💬 Fury ou Rambo?? ⏳🏁

Q: Can you remain indifferent to Donald's capitalist, arrogant, authoritarian, totalitarian, advertising speeches?
A: Impossible.

Q: Would you vote for Donald?
A: No, not Pluto, not Mickey.

Q: What do you think about the war crimes that are happening against the civilian population in Gaza?
A: The answer is in the question: war crimes. Whoever starts a war does not want peace, I did not start any war.

Q: What do you think Israel is planning to do in Gaza together with their war trading partners after turning Gaza into a mixture of necropolis and ghost town?
A: Based on the images of destruction shown on TV, what is being reported, and Donald's recent statements after returning to the White House, ... I am truly perplexed by what I see and hear, really.
Those who were spared from living through the horrors of WW1 and WW2 are now able to see what happened in those two extremely relevant periods of history, see deep gray tones of destruction, see varying red tones of blood, see pale beiges without life with countless stains of deep purple, see bodies wrapped in white cloths without resurrection, and there is no more appropriate musical background for war crimes than the intense songs of the band Discharge that were performed between the years 1980 and 1982.
If I have interpreted that correctly, Israel & its war trading partners want that territory to be occupied for their real estate development. These won't be buildings built on an alien graveyard, but that territory has a past, and that past won't be hidden under a beautiful oriental rug.

Q: What do you think about the war crimes that took place against the civilian population in Ukraine?
A: The answer is in the question: war crimes. Whoever starts a war does not want peace, I did not start any war. ... Read the question above.

Q: Does planet Earth need a new Hitler?
A: I think and believe not.

Q: What's faster, leaving for work or waking up and working?
A: The latest trend among voters that has been seasonally maintained is wanting a playboy as president of a country. The electorate apparently interprets that a rich president will distribute his wealth to the poorest, a fantasy imported of partially unknown origin. Advertising is advertising, journalism is journalism. Someone is lying in that story.

Q: Do you have a Best Friend Forever?
A: Does that really exist???

Q: Any other answers?
A: Any other questions?

sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2025

full bag purchase:)

| Questions and Answers (Q/A), ...

Q: What do you think about the phrase "Não me enche o sacolão!"?
A: :|:(

Q: Do you still remember the last time you made a full bag purchase similar to an open-air market or supermarket?
A: Yes, it was a sunny morning with a mild temperature, I no longer remember what season it was.

Q: Do you still remember if during that purchase the mayor of that city had already been kidnapped and killed?
A: I no longer remember who the mayor was at that time, but the one who became mayor of that city had not yet been kidnapped and killed, when that famous True Crime occurred I no longer lived in that city, I had already returned to the city where I lived previously, a rich and miserable city, that True Crime may have been the trigger for what would happen next with the gang of the current 'president of public thing', which is not something of mine, it is also useful to mention that 'squid is not an octopus'.

Q: Do you still paint t-shirts?
A: Not anymore, and I don't know if I'll ever paint anything again.

Q: Do you think of yourself as an exotic creature in a swamp deep in the ocean?
A: No, I'm not a christian, nor a catholic, nor a mason, nor a nazi jew.

Q: Você sabe o que significa a sigla SP?
A: This is a very difficult question, I don't know if I would be able to answer it now without having a communications advisor and a press office.
Eu talvez pergunte à Inteligência Artificial, apenas por curiosidade, mas não agora.

Q: Would you be able to start again where did you stop?
A: Yes, if the issue is related to an app, as long as I don't have to uninstall it because the last update prevented me from using it partially or completely. ... I finished testing the latest update of one of the apps from a very well-known platform and it did not pass the test to stay installed and perhaps in use, uninstalled.
If the subject is ... Heat? I don't like it, I prefer the cold.

Q: Anything else?
A: I'm publishing some more
material on Hubhopper.com.
After that I'll be back
on Spotify for Creators.

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers, Perguntas e Respostas, ...

Q: Have you ever seen a penile prosthesis that was a mix of heraldry and Benito Mussolini?
A: No, but just thinking about it and imagining it makes me realize that it is something abominable, so there is no reason to materialize it and perhaps create a heinous situation.

Q: Em algum momento da sua vida você 'atirou o pau no gato'?
A: A letra desta canção infantil muito conhecida está desatualizada há décadas, ela não é educacional, cantá-la é uma subversão contra os gatos e contra os humanos que não geram maus tratos neles, ela é uma letra de música ilegal, estranho a mãe e o pai de uma criança não saberem isso.
O gato que esteve sob os meus cuidados foi muito bem cuidado, educado, vacinado, não castrado, eu tive paciência de aguentar as coisas estranhas que ele vazia quando ele não era mais 'criança', mas ainda era.

Q: Você era um subalterno da 'rainha dos baixinhos'?
A: Eu não votei, no primeiro turno nem no segundo turno, em F. Afonso Collor de Mello, ex-diretor da ABERT. Não foram eleitos através do meu voto a economista incompetente e irresponsável daquele humorista de graça duvidosa, F. Anysio de O. P. Filho, ambos partidários da procriação desenfreada irresponsável, nem aquele ministro da justiça deles, parentes.
Vamos nos unir? Não! Tudo separado e muito bem separado, você é você, eu sou eu.

Q: Você já fez 'glub glub no club'?
A: Entrar água no nariz estando em uma piscina é um evento normal.

Q: Will you illustrate this publication?
A: Yes. I'm thinking of photographing a used toilet paper.

Q: Are you in a bad mood?
A: Yes.

Q: Any music?
A: I don't know yet. ... No.

Q: When will you buy a third electric guitar?
A: So far my motorcycle has not been returned by the people who stole it. Any questions?

sábado, 1 de fevereiro de 2025

so to speak:):|:(

| Questions and Answers, Perguntas e Respostas, ... so to speak:):|:(

Q: Do you know what Israel means in esotericism?
A: Violence breeds violence. Whoever starts a war does not want peace. Whoever invades is not a friend. ... Enemies are not welcome.

Q: Would you need a payment of (BRL) R$ 100.000,00 per month to be considered a normal person by the society where the electorate is and to have a happy life?
A: No, you wouldn't even need a (BRL) R$ 1.000.000,00 monthly payment, or a (BRL) R$ 1.500.000,00 monthly payment.

Q: What do you think about the recent research you did on the internet and indirectly came across the topic of celebrity payments?
A: I don't believe that everything I found indirectly is true. It mentioned monthly payments, not funds, but it is easy to see that the smallest part of what is obtained in money by the private sector reaches the government, the largest part stays with the private sector. Payment is payment, funds are funds.

Q: What is the photograph above?
A: A dessert plate with some pieces of fried cassava.
The dish is a survivor from the time when I was living a healthy labor movement, bought before a playboy was elected president of the republic by a treacherous electorate.
Cassava is from this current era where humans are being progressively replaced by automation, ... It will not be the Church, nor the Temple, nor any other religious organization, that will provide paid work for all humans in this every man for himself so that they can have access to products and services.
If I wanted to buy more sophisticated plates I could have, but my proposal for setting up a home was simpler, less complex.
In this plate there is a reference to linotype printing in the design, and a reference to a tattoo made by a person who is new to tattooing, not me because I have never been a tattoo artist, but more than once I have made drawings to be tattooed.
Para começar estava muito bom:
LaR Feliz LaR. Alguma dúvida amoR?

Q: If you had a daughter, would you give her the name of a perfume brand as her first name?
A: No, no grazie.

Q: Any music?
A: No.