sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2025

Mars or ice cream?

| Questions and answers based on these photographs:

Q: Do you imagine crunchy chocolate ice cream when you see images of the surface of Mars provided by NASA?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Would you choose to go to Mars or choose to enjoy a delicious ice cream if you only had two alternatives?
A: If ice cream only existed in photographs, I would choose to see photographs of Mars.

Q: Don't you get tired of continuing with Arts and Communication activities?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Do you know if Mars is completely divided up for private enterprise with government management?
A: I think and believe that the capitalists will try to annex to themselves what they are observing.

Q: Did life on planet Earth begin after you were born?
A: I am my historical landmark.

Q: Do you worry that someone might want to kill themselves after reading something you wrote?
A: I think and believe that it would be inconsistent for a person to jump out of a window while reading one of my publications.

Q: What do you stop to see and hear to on TV these days?
A: Relevant documentaries, True Crime documentaries, music from active bands that I like but with some restrictions, relevant films, and varied subjects so as not to ignore what society is putting into practice with the intention of impoverishing me.

Q: Have you ever had a finger pecked by a duck in your life?
A: Sim, uma única vez, quando eu era criança, eu estava em férias escolares e viajei com os meus pais, eu estava em um pequeno barco em um lago e quis dar miolo de pão para um pato, ele pegou o miolo de pão e o meu dedo, a bicada é dolorida. Os livros cristãos direcionados para as crianças mostram uma natureza purificada onde até os animais predadores são amigos dos seres humanos, mas isso não é verdade, é mentira. The Church is a master at telling lies to children.

Q: Anything else?
A: 😟 I no longer have patience for some situations that are constant on TV. 😫

Q: Did you like the app?
A: 🙃💬 Testing, ... ⏳🏁

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