sábado, 8 de março de 2025

All to the Hall of Fame?

| An image for questions and answers (and two hidden videos):

P: O que você pensa sobre pessoas que não queriam que você tivesse nascido?
R: Eu nunca tive aqueles pensamentos malígnos sobre a minha existência.

P: O que você pensa sobre pessoas que não querem que você ainda esteja vivo?
R: Eu realmente não sei por que há pessoas que acreditam que eu estou ocupando uma grande quantidade de espaço na Terra. Eu realmente não sei por que há pessoas que sentem inveja sob eu e querem pegar o que é meu sem a minha autorização para se sentirem grandes na tensa vida em sociedade.

Q: What do you think about the explicit demagogy and populism where the two ideological sides are well defined, on the right are the bad men, and on the left are the good superheroes?
A: In that story someone is lying.

Q: What do you think about God-fearing people who repeat what others say like parrots without thinking before keeping quiet?
A: Apparently I am led to believe by the biased media that it was an antidemocratic mistake to have fought the nazis, perhaps it would have been better to have helped the Nazi Exact Sciences for a New World Order in defense of journalistic soap operas. Towards victory! No matter who it hurts.

Q: Would you like to mention any pop rock music to illustrate this part of the post, perhaps a Kat P. song?
A: Yes, it is possible, 'live' and 'in studio': The Exploited - I Belive in Anarchy. (Was that the lyrics of the song??)

Q: Would you like to dedicate that pop rock song to someone?
A: Yes, it is possible. I would dedicate that song to the Christian Social Democracy that fired me and prevented me from living a laborism life with economic stability. I went from laborism to unemployment insurance, and then to neoliberalism and neocolonialism, being pushed to the margin in a polite and civilized way by the technological revolution of information technology, with a lot of emphasis on everyday pain, not on the chemical happiness of a can of beer. I work for my own personal satisfaction like an urban guerrilla. ... ):NoFurureX:|:(

P: ¿Islas Malvinas o Falklands?
R: Um episódio histórico.

Q: Any songs from the band NMA?
A: It is not necessary.

P: Você sabe explicar por que você tem que ser prejudicado por políticos que foram eleitos mas não pelo seu voto?
R: A culpa é da maioria da sociedade, é nela que estão os eleitores e as eleitoras, pessoas que nem sabem como evitar a gravidez.

Q: How many times a week do you surf?
A: Every week.

Q: Anything else?
A: No.

sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2025

If Mars is the ground floor, ...

| Questions and answers based on these photographs:

Q: If you like food then why don't you work with cooking, with gastronomy?
A: The third letter of the alphabet is C, cooking is not a priority in my life, I don't cook restaurant or hotel food, but I like the food I cook, I never intended to be awarded for the food I cook, I don't fry food, with the exception of fried eggs, I don't make pies, and I don't have an oven to make a good basic homemade cake. I eat to not feel hungry and to be fed, not to become obese. I wasn't the one creating hyperinflation.

Q: What astronomy is easy to see through the window?
A: Sun, moon, Venus.

Q: Is the capitalist system just?
A: No.

Q: When was the last time you slept in a bed?
A: I don't remember anymore, that's a long time ago, that was before 'economic stability', before the advancement of information technology, before cell phones, before smartphones, ... I'm not the one who would make a heart using both hands in a live show.

Q: Are repeated tags a lack of creativity?
A: My main focus is not creativity, but the content of what I publish, not advertising texts.

Q: Do you know the exact color of the surface of Mars?
A: No, I never wanted to go to Mars.