segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2024

The scientist, the microscope, the telescope, ...

It's really interesting to be looking for something, to be researching, to research is to acquire information, to research is to be informed, in this advertising is useful, when I look at the sky I don't find apps, but on the subject they exist, when I look at the sky I realize that there is an operating system prior to the capitalist system, advanced telescopes capture fabulous images of annihilation, dust and radiation, I do not consider myself the son of a bacteria that came from a wreckage of Mars, I am sure that my father and my mother did more for me than that guy Lula, he and his gang who did practically nothing to make sure I was still alive, there's a before and there's an after, the totalitarians and the authoritarians don't want me to exist, and if I still exist they want my existence to be my suffering, that is, to be the suffering of their existence, but I didn't manufacture them, in all of this there are the persistent developers of audio plug-ins, heroes, but there are people who say that in space there is no sound, but there are waves, waves, and more waves, that wouldn't exactly be cyberpunk either, a new space wave, but it could be related, light and dark, more dark than light, neither too hot nor too cold, or both.

At the top of this publication is a space image that I took with my telescope, please scientists, look for it with the powerful telescopes that you use, if you find it let me know, it will be a reciprocal way of thanking me for this dedicated work.

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