terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

The photograph of the photograph:):|:(

| Questions and Answers, and so on, ...

Q: Is the symbol (c) always completely correct when you use it in images?
A: If I photograph a person, I do not own that person, except for a self-portrait.
If I photograph an image that was taken by someone else then the symbol (c) is not related to me at all.
The main meaning of the symbol (c) is to mention to a visitor, specifically a lay person, that the image was made by a person, it was not made by Artificial Intelligence, and if it were, Artificial Intelligence depends on images generated by people to generate images, it depends on photographs made by humans, it depends on illustrations made by humans, audios, ... behind Artificial Intelligence there are humans working, those humans are not totally invisible.

Q: Were the nazis defeated by the Summer of Love set to the sounds of The Stooges?
A: No, not even with any Marilyn Manson live show, the chronology does not match the events.

Q: Will you update those hosted pages?
A: No need to, they are still current.
I don't have any free time in my life to waste on what is superfluous in rock culture. I have no interest in immortalizing what is superfluous in rock culture.
I don't study to become more and more ignorant.
I have never felt inferior to anyone, I always try to do better than I did before.


segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers, Q/A; Perguntas e Respostas, P/R; ...

Q: Did you think about becoming a gynecologist at some point in your life?
A: No, never. I ruled out any career related to Medicine before other careers, I couldn't imagine myself as a surgeon, to this day I can't watch some programs on TV about surgery, but I certainly recognize the usefulness of good professionals in Medicine, not greedy mercenary capitalists.

Q: Have you used Baixar O. Assado's ophthalmological services at any point in your life?
A: No, never.

Q: Have you ever thought about sitting on a pudding with caramel sauce and then sitting on an anthill?
A: No, never. I try to make good use of communication interfaces, I consider them hygienic, they help to avoid unpleasant situations. I don't know if by answering this question I generated some animosity or even started a war. It's also worth mentioning that I never wanted to have an anteater as a pet.

Q: Are there any recent films that interest you?
A: The poster of one of them interested me, it could have been me who made that poster, there was identification, but at the moment I don't remember the name of the film, and doing research consumes the flow of internet usage, specifically watching a video, also listening to some music, I always think about economy in my day-to-day life.

Q: Do the positions of the tanks in the illustrations point to a direction?
A: Apparently so.

Q: What can't you feel in the illustrations?
A: The unpleasant noise of the tank in operation, the horrible shaking of the tank in motion, the abominable smell of burning fuel, the always unhealthy environment to be in military life or to be a civilian, ... But the illustrations are really very well done, those hideous machines didn't even need to be manufactured. Why manufacture a child to seasonally give him a governmental and institutional insanity well represented by war? What will he be when he grows up? An illustrator??

Q: Are all the logos used still current?
A: Not one of them.

Q: Is it possible to look at something and always see, or most of the time, the same appearance, the same essence?
A: Interesting question. Is this question about antimatter?

Q: Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood by publishing these military images?
A: Perhaps the excellent illustrator was a civilian, not a military man. French? English?

Q: Do military life and marriage go together?
A: My honest opinion is that they don't go together, it's either civilian life or military life.

Q: Were you able to survive the weight of this publication?
A: Transforming the images into a pencil drawing simulation made the look lighter.

Q: Hot or cold?
A: Cold.

Q: A-Ha or ABBA?

Q: Any other answers?
A: Any other questions?

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

illustrious neighbors:):|:(

| Questions and answers, ...

Q: Why in the last post did you turn the pages of a book into drawings?
A: To review the path of something that was sketched, drawn, painted, built, photographed, but from my point of view it could have been sketched, drawn, painted, but not built. I also took the opportunity to use an app that transforms photographs into drawings, I got it in a promotion in the store where it is published.
I've had that book since I was a child, I got it as a gift from someone I cared about, she's no longer alive, but what I like about that book isn't the weapons, it's the work of an illustrator who created realistic or hyperrealistic illustrations, illustrations that try to be like a photograph or even go beyond photography. When I became interested in model making, I also liked the realistic or hyperrealistic illustrations on the boxes of products to be assembled, painting them made them more presentable as miniatures of the originals. I also liked the work of the person who painted and assembled models that were displayed in the display case of a well-known model making store here in this huge city. Later, I found out that he was my neighbor. I even visited his humble home studio, where the models that went to the store's display case came from, to be placed next to the product box and fill my eyes with desire. In relation to the painting of the assembled miniatures, I didn't go much further, I didn't even come close to the quality of the work of the one who painted and assembled the miniatures displayed in the store. In relation to the realistic and hyper-realistic illustrations, I really wanted to go further, to do better and better, ... Going this path I made an illustration about the Tarot of Marseille where I placed a man manipulating those cards, I don't know exactly if the place where I placed him was a castle, a church, a temple, or an equivalent place, later in time I realized that the man would be the one indicated to be the next head of the Vatican State, a stranger to me, Ratzinger, he even infiltrated the nazi milieu to try to find out if the nazis were genuine supporters of the crucifixion. ... And so, I began to realize the power of art, to materialize something that is not visible, or does not yet exist.

Q: Have you seen one of the two parts of the film Dune (2021)?
A: Neither of the two parts from start to finish, I considered the film very intellectual and introspective, but visually rich, in that it would be a more adult version of the films about that Harry Potter (1997~2007), which I also had no interest or patience to watch from start to finish. I currently want to stay away from that topic. ... I am not subordinate to those people, but those people depend on artists to appear as forefront before others.

Q: Are you at the vanguard of something?
A: If so, no one has told me.

Q: Would you be able to get back inside your mum and dad?
A: No, impossible.

Q: Were you always late for rehearsals?
A: No.

Q: Are stopping immigration, and even migration, sensitive issues?
A: Yes. But I don't need to go to the United States of America to feel free, nor do I need to go to China to buy a product Made in China, in IT they are present.

Q: Do you feel obliged to speak English fluently in order to participate in any social network?
A: No.

Q: Is the capital of the Earth in the United States of America?
A: Does that exist?

Q: How enjoyable is it to write and listen to someone learning to play the violin?
A: Terrible!

Q: What if it was a beautiful woman?
A: Terrible?

Q: What do you think about a brown supremacist who believes that beige is white, and the color white is inferior to black, and black is never darkness, black is light?
A: Apparently that person is confused and has no knowledge whatsoever about the subject. ... Banana is not the name of a mayor or president, banana is a fruit. ... The question is about black light??

Q: Did you feel obliged to transform, at some point in your life, one of the spaces where you lived into a meeting point for marijuana smokers whose main idols are: Malcolm X, B. Marley, E. Guevara?
A: No, no thanks.

Q: Did you ever want to turn Amélia into an 'any woman'?
A: No, not even her sister. They weren't my friends, but I've been to some places they were too, but that's a distant past and almost completely irrelevant.

Q: Will you exploit the labor of the young to enrich yourself?
A: A pergunta é sobre peidofilia??

Q: Do you know anything about the history of the pun'?
A: I can't answer right now because I'm busy.

Q: Why don't you publish better quality material?
A: Because I'm not a toilet paper manufacturer.

Q: What is the topic of this post?
A: I don't understand what the question is about.

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2025

Convergent, divergent, dissident, expedient.

| Questions and answers, title, images:

Q: In the previous post, did you put rivets in your author citation?
A: No, I didn't even put any lights around the mirror.

Q: Why are there so many repeated keywords in recent publications?
A: I thought it was relevant.

Q: What percentage of words do you know from a dictionary?
A: The amount has increased little by little.

Q: Why is something developed by a developer?
A: To combat extinction.

Q: What will this post be about?
A: I'm thinking about it, ...

Q: Will you mention at least one abbreviation?
A: It is possible, I will mention some films that I watched on TV and considered them relevant, above average of those that usually show on TV.

Q: Which?
A: Enemy at the Gates (2001), The Whistleblower (2010), The Lovely Bones (2009).

Q: Would you like to comment on them?
A: It could be. In short:
Enemy at the Gates (2001); film based on a historical event, WW2, which was the restart of WW1, for worse, much worse.
The Whistleblower (2010); not even the UN was immune to capitalist corruption.
The Lovely Bones (2009); a film about the incredible cerebral world of a serial killer, simple reasoning can get lost in the darkness and be structured into perverse and heinous practices, sequentially.

Q: Do you like your bones?
A: Yes. I think, I believe, and I consider my bones indispensable for the support of my intelligence.
In the distant past of my life, I would relate the approach of that beautiful film, about a specifically ugly subject, to a good and beautiful interpretation of spiritism, but time passed and I experienced other interpretations, and with that I continued to do updates on various subjects, including the spiritist lie, about totalitarian and authoritarian people, liars, malicious, corrupt, who place traps in a person's path for him to fall into, and then appear before public opinion as victims, specifically lying women, and disguised racist browns who act as an electoral arm.

Q: Do you fully believe what communications agencies and press offices publish working for the people who are paying them?
A: Advertising is not journalism. The flow of money is multi-existential in capitalism.

Q: What do you like to watch on TV these days?
A: Between the constant and repetitive simulations of violence of two keys on the keyboard, drugs & guns, guns & drugs, and real violence, I prefer to watch documentaries with True Crime content, they are more didactic, but predictable.

Q: Why two life sentences?
A: Perhaps because if that hideous person believes that spiritism is true, it is not a doctrinal lie, and he will return after death, he will return to live another life sentence. Perhaps more life sentences are to make the reasoning more emphatic.

Q: What else is on TV?
A: Documentaries related to the emergence and expansion of nazism. There really is a huge amount of them, very well structured and full of information, really educational. It is not possible to watch them all in sequence before going to sleep, really need something milder, a painkiller. Some of those documentaries are truly worthy of being awarded for their quality, and one of them in particular, told in a series, caught my attention, the stories are told by people from another generation, sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, descendants of people who lived through that, regardless of which side those people's parents and grandparents were on.

Q: Was your biological father a war hero?
A: Not that I know of, but if he had really gone to Europe in the late thirties or early forties, there is at least a fifty percent chance that I would never have been born because he would have died before me, in this, a really very mysterious mystery, when the United States of America stepped onto the moon and looked down at the Earth, the astronauts did not gaze at an ambiguous red ball with a white circle on it, and in the middle of that white circle a neo-buddhist logo about climate change. The nazis were really nazis, they really believed in what they were doing, they really believed in the industrial revolution, the survivors of that time are witnesses to that.

Q: Would you like to mention an ambiguous song related to the topic?
A: RAMONES - It's a Long Way Back.
Maybe it's a song about jews who wanted to go back to live in Germany, not finally go live in Israel.

Q: Would you like a new Hitler to emerge?
A: This is a well-known and old question: no.

Q: Are the images you added to encourage an arms race?
A: No, to remind people that war is a waste.

Q: Could you explain why transporting a water tank from one place to another on a planet where there is no rain?
A: Is the question related to the movie Paris, Texas (1984)?

Q: You didn't mention the movie Hanna (2011).
A: I didn't forget, I was going to mention it.
I don't know if the film could be considered a cyberpunk film, I don't think so, but it resembles either of the two Blade Runner films, but less futuristic, closer to something that could be found in the real world, like in the film The Numbers Station (2013).

Q: Is having a woman in a film a criterion for mentioning a film?
A: No. The criterion is that the film is relevant. Sophisticated computer graphics and sophisticated special effects are also not one of the criteria, the film may not be sophisticated but may be relevant, but today's films are no longer simple, if they ever were simple, and their dynamics are different, scenes change in less than a second.

Q: Do you support all the keywords you mentioned in this post?
A: No.

Q: Anything else?
A: It was a common and constant situation not to sleep in order to have to meet short deadlines to deliver work. One of those times, when my body was more resistant, while I was waiting for the coffee to be ready in the kitchen, which was also a photo lab, I refreshed myself by taking a picture of the sun rising on the horizon, from the place where I worked, the living room transformed into a studio.
Nowadays, disenchanted, but not yet completely, I see some images on TV that I know the language and know how to make, I have experienced them, but that alone is no longer enough, and it is not necessary to print rolls of toilet paper for them to be consumed by the electorate that is in society.
Yet another superfluous craftsman in today's automated and robotized civilization to live in a police state with daily facial verification? How many futuristic fiction films have addressed the subject? Several.

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025


| Title, text, ...

Q: Do you consider yourself a criminal abbreviation?
A: No, I don't consider myself a criminal abbreviation, I've never considered myself a criminal abbreviation.

Q: Do you trust the government 100%?
A: No, and not just today.

Q: How often do you watch the news on TV?
A: I watch it on more than one channel every week, and I also find news on the internet when I do research.

Q: Does your brain have a hostility detector?
A: Yes, and it's not new.

Q: Was your biological father far-right?
A: He was not an albino.

Q: Is it possible to compose rock music without being derived from blues music?
A: Yes, 100% for sure.

Q: Is the banana a racist symbol?
A: It's not, it never has been, and I really don't believe anyone would pay a considerable sum of money for just one.

Q: Do you consider yourself a backfire?
A: I wasn't born yet when that expression came up, a time when automation was still in development, being perfected, at that time there was no W3C or W3S yet.
The more knowledge a person has, the more accurate the keywords will be.

Q: When will there be a truce in the capitalist system?
A: In the last week of the occidental year there will be some nostalgic silence in the region, also in the following week to a lesser extent, but then the urban noise will gradually return. Have I answered the question?

Q: Have you validated your web pages to current standards?
A: When I have some free time I will study the subject and think about whether it is feasible to put that study into practice. ... It is not feasible at the moment, but it is certainly necessary to be informed about the subject to find out if changes have occurred and what they are. ... Is HTML5 obsolete?

Q: What do you think about the expression giving birth?
A: It's an expression that wasn't invented by a newborn.

Q: What do you think about the gallery of images that you have published on your account here at Blogger.com?
A: Current, with personality, relevant, coherent, but there are no images of exotic panoramic landscapes to delight the eye, it is mainly an urban gallery.

Q: What do you think about a girl who doesn't have a car or a house, but she has at least one child?
A: Stop esoteric terrorism.

P: Por que você não foi no Hollywood Rock?
R: Porque eu não fumo. Did you understand?

Q: Do you know what the abbreviation RW is?
A: It's a feature of a product, but I didn't find that product the last time I went to the store.

Q: Anything to finish this post?
A: Something obvious:|:( Abbreviations can be the same or similar, but they can have very different meanings.

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

Что-нибудь еще? Щось ще?

| Title for text, images for both:

Q: Anything else?
A: Sporadically I do more precise research on the internet to try to find out if I can find something that is closer to who I really am in that www territory, before the emergence of the internet and after its advancement, something that did not exist in the past.
I keep coming across erroneous and wide-ranging information as a result of at least one publisher for whom I illustrated some book covers, I was never the author of those books.
I also noticed that the amount of initials has increased since the last survey years ago, and apparently most of those initials have 'regional accents' from places I've never set foot in, I've never been there. Not goo:|:(
... ¿gross??
If I am not friends with someone, that unknown person is not my friend.
Otherwise, I didn't vote for some of them, I 'killed' them all.
Any questions?

Q: Any other news?
A: I've gone back to publishing on Hubhopper.com, then I'll go back to publishing on Spotify for Creators:

Q: Do you miss anything besides your motorcycle that was stolen?
A: I miss the time when I could sleep well and not worry about anything. ... É bom não ter 'amigos'.

P: Por que você republicou aqui alguns dos seus textos?
R: Eu considerei relevante ser enfático.
Eu realmente não gosto quando uma pessoa publica algo equivocado sobre um assunto, especificamente quando o assunto pode ter alguma relação comigo indiretamente, e isso não é de hoje. Isso é ainda muito pior quando uma pessoa mal-intencionada tenta fabricar uma história me usando, mas eu mesmo nunca conversei com aquela pessoa, eu nunca encontrei aquela pessoa em algum lugar por onde eu passei. ... Não existe a obrigação que uma amizade dure uma vida inteira, é uma situação normal com o passar do tempo, especificamente após o fim do Colegial, atual Ensino Médio, pessoas se distanciarem e até mesmo nunca mais se encontrarem. ... Não desperdice o seu tempo tentando imortalizar mentiras.

Q: Was your biological father far-right?
A: He was not an albino.

Q: Is the banana a racist symbol?
A: It's not, it never has been, and I really don't believe anyone would pay a considerable sum of money for just one.

Q: Is it possible to compose rock music without being derived from blues music?
A: Yes, 100% for sure.

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025


| Text and images for a title:

Q: Are you in a hurry to die?
A: No, I can wait until misfortune happens, and I always like to mention that I do not celebrate the crucifixion of the famous and legendary Jesus on 12/25 performed by his mother and father, spiritual lover of the nun Benedetta, she who never had a Lambretta, his birth I consider more and more irrelevant every day.
I would also like to emphatically mention that I am not a member of the front commission of any samba school, I have no interest in samba, never had, in my existence samba is almost completely irrelevant, I went to the educational places to study. Any questions??

Q: What about rap, text spoken in a rhythmic way?
A: I answered this question recently, rap is not music, I was not made in Africa.

Q: Any other news?
A: I've gone back to publishing on Hubhopper.com, then I'll go back to publishing on Spotify for Creators:

Q: Anything else?
A: Sporadically I do more precise research on the internet to try to find out if I can find something that is closer to who I really am in that www territory, before the emergence of the internet and after its advancement, something that did not exist in the past.
I keep coming across erroneous and wide-ranging information as a result of at least one publisher for whom I illustrated some book covers, I was never the author of those books.
I also noticed that the amount of initials has increased since the last survey years ago, and apparently most of those initials have 'regional accents' from places I've never set foot in, I've never been there. Not goo:|:(
... ¿gross??
If I am not friends with someone, that unknown person is not my friend.
Otherwise, I didn't vote for some of them, I 'killed' them all.
Any questions?

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2025


| Text and images for a title:

Q: What do you think about grouping people into generations?
A: Honestly? Limited, incomplete, biased, totalitarian, authoritarian, even ridiculous.

Q: What would be your 'generation'?
A: My group would perhaps be those who went and came back, a previous group of those who went and never came back, they left, you won't find those people on the moon or on Mars.

Q: Do you know who the people are who develop theories with the pretense of sacred truth?
A: No, I don't even want to know, but I consider a plumber much more useful, it's not even necessary for him to be brought from India, as well as the selective collection service for garbage, garbage for recycling and organic garbage.

Q: Do you consider your work repetitive?
E: No, I consider my work emphatic.

Q: Coffee break?
A: A break to make sure the coffee powder is ready to be drunk as coffee.

Q: Ready?
A: Not yet.

Q: Do you believe that on December 25th of this year God will finally emerge from nonexistence and bring your motorcycle back?
A: No, I don't.

Q: Do you find it unpleasant to answer questions that you have asked previously?
A: No, it can be an excuse to be creative and emphatic again.

Q: And the coffee?
A: I drank it.

Q: Did you choose any images?
A: Before I wrote anything in this post I selected the images for it, and before that the title.

Q: Would you like to mention any songs?
A: No, but I would like to mention that it was interesting and relevant to watch on TV at least one good documentary about the band and the group ABBA, without a doubt much better than seeing the insane and degenerate images of destruction in Ukraine and Gaza on the news, it is really very sad to see images of destroyed homes, homes where there were families who wanted to live in peace, whoever starts a war does not want peace.

Q: Will you attend the event to restart the administration of the persistent, worn-out, and aging Donald?
A: No, but I will probably see something about it on TV or the internet at some point, it is not a priority in my life, I have never wanted to visit the United States of America. One of the priorities in my life is to be able to sleep peacefully.

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2025

Template is not _emplar.

| Questions and answers pre-diagrammed in the (Google) Blogger template and illustrated by me:

Q: When you rode your motorcycle up the ramp shown in the small image on the QR Code, did you imagine that you were riding a horse heading to the center of gravity of the place where the capital of a country would be built?
A: No, I thought and believed that I was going to stop my motorcycle in a place where it was allowed to stop it, the guard who was in charge of security at the place did not mention anything about the subject.
It was a motorcycle, not a Mustang.
I've never done any Meat L. (ML) cover or back cover.
I never considered myself a consequence of the baby boom, I'm not a spare part in the Armed Forces, I don't have to always agree with laws I didn't write, written directly or indirectly by politicians I never voted for. Any doubts?

Q: What was the place?
A: At that time it was a health center, currently I don't know what the place shown in the small image in the QR Code is.

Q: Was there another alternative?
A: I had the option of using private healthcare services, which I paid for at the time, but due to distance and knowing a doctor who worked there and she also worked nearby in the trade union where I worked, I opted for care there, but if I had opted for private healthcare services, my motorcycle might not have been stolen because it was a more isolated and protected location, it wasn't on an avenue, it was something like a dead end street, a better lit location, and more middle class, it's worth mentioning this.

Q: In your opinion, what happened was because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
A: No, I was in the right place during the opening hours of that place.

Q: Was it something personal?
A: I think and believe it wasn't because they were sequences of thefts in short intervals of time, and something they all had in common was the same place of work or related to it, a trade union.

Q: Were you a member of a criminal organization when you worked in a trade union?
A: I thought and believed no, in short, no.
The crime was the theft of my motorcycle, the theft of the lawyer's car, who would later become a judge, ...

Q: What do you think about a person who tries to beat up coworkers inside the workplace during working hours?
A: In the past he was partly humanist and laborist, but he had a totalitarian and authoritarian tendency that turned into a fascist tendency, his Italian origin helped in that, and that tendency prevailed in him with the every man for himself of the advance of information technology. In that incident he was unable to prevent other people from working in the same professional area, even less with the advancement of the internet, and especially with fast internet, broadband.
People suffer because their parents did not prevent pregnancy.

Q: Any music?
A: What for??

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2025


| Images for texts, texts for songs:

Q: When you worked as a public servant, were you treated well by those who were previously inside and above you?
A: No, I was treated like a piece of manure to be thrown out along with other manure.

Q: What do you think of those people?
A: Supremacists, arrogant, mediocre, capitalists, ...

Q: Is this photograph of the photograph related to that experience?
A: No, both the original photograph and her photograph are on a higher level.

Q: Why did you mention that?
A: Because that place was recently in the news on TV, pejoratively.

Q: Is there anything else interesting?
A: In addition to hearing some bird moving and chirping strangely in the window gutter, I was feeling, coming from my stomach, signs of life from the piece of chocolate cake I ate, without poison, obviously.

P: ¿Más?
A: I have the double CD, derived from the double LP that I never had, I bought it new in an unmissable promotion, but the store, part of a chain of several stores, no longer exists, like several other record stores in the region.
The band, which will also never exist live again, needs no introduction.
The mention in the booklet is really something curious, I wouldn't be able to explain it exactly myself, but I have some assumptions about cultural exchange, and I certainly felt flattered and valued, not as if I were working as a civil servant with my shoes pierced, exposed at the back.

Q: Do you like yourself the way you are now?
A: Not an option.

sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2025

What season?

| Questions and answers illustrated with photographs:

Q: Do you regret anything?
A: Selling my second and last electric guitar and my first and last effects pedal, a distorter.

Q: Are you waiting for something?
A: No, not that my motorcycle is returned by the person who stole it, not that someone remembers me to cause me even more problems, and I don't need some telemarketing. Any questions?

Q: Why does the opposite approach to photography, instead of improving its quality, make it look used, older?
A: I can't answer this exactly yet, but the definition of quality in this approach is relative.
That was a very cold day, I don't remember now if the blue hour (night, end) had been passed.
I've always taken care of what's mine, no intruder should have stolen my motorcycle.
I sold most of my equipment used in my second band, not her name, nor my songs, all of them.
As time went by, I saw and heard society in a harsher way, I can't wait. Any questions?
Now it's a bit chilly, but sunny.
Composing a song on a musical instrument is different from composing a song on a computer, including a portable one, it is not something related to right or wrong.
I have not abandoned anything related to me.

Q: What do you wish for the person who stole your motorcycle?
A: I wish that the unhappiness they've brought me will turn against the person who took what was mine and never gave it back.

Q: Are you done?
A: I don't know. ... That last app I used to add visible data to the photo is interesting, but it's no longer in the app store, I don't know if the developer will republish it, he was attentive in his answers, apparently he's based in China.

Q: Anything else?
A: I often watch various content on TV about crimes, specifically crimes that occur in the United States of America, and based on what I see and hear I realize that there are truly dangerous people, truly insane people, True Crime people, not actors, people who did not know how to appreciate what they had in freedom, and there are other people for whom freedom is apparently something insanely harmful, they really want to be chased by the police, sooner rather than later, they need to be behind bars, so that they are protected by the State, that is, if they are not put in a black bag. It really isn't easy working on the streets as a police officer in the United States of America. ...
There is always something more. ...
During the completion of this publication it was announced on TV that a ceasefire in progressive installments will occur in the religious insanity between Hamas and Israel, with an exchange of bodies, alive and dead, there in that place that they mention as 'holy land', but which in practice was never sacred, it was always religiously desecrated. ...
I am the main witness of my life, it is very good to live in a silent place, not nowadays.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2025



| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Do you know if there is any meaning for the abbreviation NDE?
A: I was curious to research if I could find anything on the internet.
It was possible to think about what was found on the internet and imagine a compilation in which someone could be suggesting fear of dying from energy generated by an atomic power plant. I don't know if while I'm writing this publication I'll see on TV some accident at some nuclear power plant, for example as a result of the war between Russia and Ukraine, or as a result of some animosity between Israel and its neighbors.

Q: Has your life ever been threatened?
A: Yes, more than once.

Q: Have you ever thought about ending your life?
A: No, never.

Q: What is fear for?
A: To alert a person that he should be careful, perhaps his life is really threatened.

Q: Anything else?
A: Two more images recovered.


terça-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2025

Weekly Emergency Aid:|:(

| An image for a title plus questions and answers:

P: Para que serve um esboço?
R: Para ajudar a visualizar um pensamento?

P: Para que serve um desenho?
R: Para definir um esboço.

P: Para que serve uma casa?
R: Para economizar dinheiro.

P: Para que serve a inexistência de futuro?
R: Para morrer triste.

P: Por que uma pessoa chora quando ela está morrendo?
R: Porque ela não quer morrer.
Q: Why does a person cry when dying?
A: Because she doesn't want to die.

Q: What is a product manual for?
A: To provide explanations about the product.

Q: What are the purposes of authorial Questions and Answers?
A: To try to help a person in a state of ignorance to become informed.

Q: What is the main criterion?
A: On what subject?

Q: If a planet seen from above had a predominantly white atmosphere, would that mean that beneath that white there is no evil?
A: I don't know for sure, nor would I risk trying to find out, mas penso que aquele planeta não deveria ser usado como aterro sanitário.

P: ¿No harás ninguna pregunta en español?
R: Cuando lo hice, el desarrollador de la aplicación respondió rápidamente.

segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2025


| A text for recovered images:

Q: Have you seen a starry sky at some moment in your life?
A: Yes, traveling to places far from the lighting of the big city it was possible to see the starry sky at night, perhaps it was even possible to carry out one of those long exposure photographs where the night sky is shown with a greater wealth of stars, in the sky, not on TV.

Q: In your opinion, were the demonstrations on 01/08/2023 in BR antidemocratic?
A: They were so intensely democratic that even members of the Armed Forces participated in the opposition demonstration, something unthinkable in the not so distant past in that country. What was not very democratic were the confrontations and mainly the opportunistic and spiteful vandalism, they were not very creative in that part of the demonstration there in the barycenter of BR. Um compasso, uma régua, um lápis, ... Construa uma capital lá?

Q: Why did all that happen?
A: I wasn't the only one who noticed what happened. A political maneuver was made, based on the variety of legal interpretations, to let the super-northeastern and demigod go free with the intention of preventing the messiah from being reelected, because there was no other viable candidate to prevent reelection, reelection would have happened in the first round of voting, and there wouldn't even be a second round. The strategy worked, the super-northeastern and demigod was released from maximum security prison, could be a candidate, was elected, and would receive the presidential sash, in this last part of the sordid political theater, there were demonstrations, confrontations, and rancorous vandalism. It is useful to mention that the devotees of the super-northeastern tried to make a political propaganda on TV that their demigod would be elected in the first round, but the large number of people who were supporting the re-election of the previous one showed that this would not happen, and it really did not happen, obviously. It was an arm wrestling match between the Executive and the Judiciary.

Q: Did you elect any of those ministers?
A: Not directly through my vote and not through the election of the president, I didn't vote for any of them, ... I really don't feel guilty about the sordid capitalist political theater that is shown daily on capitalist TV.

Q: In order not to be stigmatized in the fantastic life in society, do you consider yourself a bozonatoist or a donkeyst?
A: I consider myself, so I am none of them.

Q: Have you watched the movie Joker (2019)?
R: Sim, ele foi mais um dos filmes relacionados com o Batman, sem o Robin, também sem o Batman. Aqueles filmes tentam construir alguma história para alguns coadjuvantes que seja mais próxima da vida cotidiana em uma cidade grande, pejorativamente, onde aqueles coadjuvantes são transformados em algo além do que eles são, mais para o mal que para o bem, são transformados em coadjuvantes principais.

P: Você em algum momento da sua vida colocou um dos seus pés na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil?
R: Não, nunca. Até agora eu nunca quis ficar viajando de um lado para outro sem destino no sistema capitalista, eu não sou um aventureiro. A pessoa tem que se adaptar ao sistema mas o sistema também tem que se adaptar a pessoa. Não existe apenas o ponto de vista capitalista. O capitalismo não surgiu antes do planeta Terra.

Q: Do you have to correct the translations and also make changes to the original text when you translate your texts from your native language to English using a translator app that uses Artificial Intelligence?
A: Yes, constantly, as an example in this publication where I chose to use the translated and revised text and also keep the original text in the native language.

Q: Is your native language indigenous?
A: No.

Q: Is haste the enemy of perfection?
A: Maybe.

Q: What do you suspect you will die of?
A: A natural death, murdered by the capitalist system.

Q: Any music?
A: Live or in the studio?

domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2025


| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Are you a buddhist?
A: No.

Q: Are you in an existential crisis?
A: A person doesn't ask to be born, a person doesn't want to be sick, a person doesn't want to die, ... Right now this is my best answer while I think about which image I will use to illustrate this post.

Q: Do you need some supremacist Top Voice to try to distract your attention?
A: No, I don't need it. Quando for o momento eu expelirei um Top Voice supremacista no vaso sanitário, but not now.

Q: Why are you mainly using English language?
A: When I turned my attention to the subject of IT, the best quality content was in English, and to be accessed by a desktop computer, over time several technological enhancements were made so that content could be accessed correctly on several different devices, including portable ones, these adaptations are still occurring, it is laborious to create the same content for each means it is accessed, in different languages, ... I do not believe that all pages viewed on the internet are completely validated, nor do all app developers number updates within just one standard, and regarding standards there is no consensus on all matters related to computing, and when there are standards not everyone follows them. I always look for the best quality information, not a summary translation into my native language. In computer science, in the technical part of development, not a single error can occur, otherwise something will not work partially or completely. I still encounter some malfunctions in web pages, also in apps, but in Exact Sciences everything has to be exact.

Q: Have you dated an oyster in the past?
A: No, never.

P: O mais correto é 'o mentira' ou 'a mentira'?
R: A mentira.

Q: Agriculture or livestock?
A: Agriculture.

Q: How many days a week do you spend studying?
A: Every day of the week.

Q: Did you attack Ukraine?
A: No.

Q: Did you commit war crimes in Ukraine?
A: No.

Q: What do you think about war museums in the attacked areas of Ukraine?
A: Informative, relevant.

Q: Anything else?
A: The images have been chosen.

sábado, 11 de janeiro de 2025


| Two images for questions and answers:

Q: Do you see a difference between a chosen place and the middle of an intersection?
A: Yes, easily noticeable.

Q: Have you ever tried to talk to a parrot?
A: Yes, I wanted to see if it could simulate human speech.

Q: Why didn't you get a parrot to speak your texts?
A: Unfeasible.

Q: Do you know how rockets will be sent into space when Earth runs out of oil?
A: Honestly? No. I imagine they will try to convert other Earth resources into fuel, but I don't know if that fuel would be suitable.

Q: Do you consider yourself an adventurer?
A: No, I never considered myself an adventurer, and even less so now.

Q: What do you think is useful to teach a young woman?
A: Preventing pregnancy is very useful. Planet Earth does not need more and more people. The combination of mass production and automation, including robotics, is irreversible. It is possible to live better without high population density, without queues.

Q: Were other people's mistakes and errors part of your learning?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you think and believe that because you have learned from other people's mistakes and errors you have to pay copyright to some of those mistaken people?
A: No.

Q: Why can't a person stand still all day?
A: First of all, because nothing stands still, everything is always in motion, but in earthly matters, standing still atrophies, and atrophy can damage a person, it can even kill him.

Q: Do you already have an image for this post?
A: No, but I'm thinking about what it will be, but it's not possible to do it now, it will be related to potatoes, but not baked.

Q: Mention something that you find unpleasant while you are trying to live in peace.
A: Messages from Top Voice supremacists. Excrement! Supremacist excrement!

Q: Is supremacist excrement of better quality?
A: I have never worked in a clinical laboratory.

Q: Is the image ready?
A: Yes, but I did not take a new photograph for the same image, I recovered the existing one.

Q: Any music?
A: No, but the memory of good times with a really delicious banana pie that to this day remains unsurpassed, even, but if any of them reaches my eyes and especially my mouth and equals the one in my memory I will mention it.

quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2025


| A photograph for a publication:

Q: Was there complete synchronization between the photograph and the text?
A: When I thought about this publication I didn't have an image for it yet, the image came up while I was preparing the publication.

Q: I noticed you used a variation of the color brown, why?
A: It was artistically well used. I have nothing against the color brown, as long as it is used correctly.

Q: What happened?
A: I don't know, I haven't been informed yet. I don't think it was too much sunlight, maybe the humidity.

Q: Do you think and believe that K-Pop music would solve the problem?
A: No, not even any good KISS songs, specifically the older songs, the ones before the new wave heavy metal influence.

Q: Would you like to apply this chromatic simulation in a real environment?
A: No, in a larger environment the chromatic simulation would probably quickly tire the eyes.

Q: So why this chromatic simulation?
A: Para trazer alegria e felicidade para o sofrimento parcial que está sendo mostrado na imagem, nisso eu acredito que acertei, mas o poder da arte é limitado, eu não tenho como trazer de volta a vida uma pessoa que faleceu.

Q: Anything else?
A: Exoteric art is not esotericism, and esotericism is not good versus evil.

quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers based on this photograph:

Q: How many apps did you use to stamp data on this photograph?
A: The ones I selected, installed, tested, and were ready to use.

Q: When was the poorest the richest?
A: When he was a newborn.

Q: What does the term First Lady mean to you?
A: Was she the first and only wife?

Q: Would you vote for the person who fired you?
A: I didn't vote for any of them, I killed them all.

Q: Is this a vertical or horizontal compass?
A: Horizontal.

Q: Do you identify fully with the entertainment industry?
A: No, and not just now.

Q: Any other questions?
A: Not right now.

terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers based on this photograph:

Q: What do you like about TV when it's on?
A: Documentaries and related, relevant films, ... In times gone by, and far away in time, I would mention videos of bands, but nowadays they are very rare on TV, even though there are good bands, in relation to the subject of music I don't identify with almost anything that is shown on TV, even though the intention of the program about music is relevant, I recognize that they exist.
I find the content on TV that shows objects that have been disabled over time and are brought back to life very interesting, for example, bringing back to life cars in a state of apparent decomposition that after restoration become incredibly unrecognizable. There's a lot of content on TV about restoration, of cars, furniture, property, ... Restoration is an interesting subject.
It's also worth mentioning that I consider TV an optional, but still a useful convergent aggregator.

Q: Have you watched the movie Grease (1978)?
A: My interest was not in the actor John J. T. nor his partner in the film, but I vaguely remember that on the soundtrack there was a rock 'n' roll band, Sha Na Na, who performed at the first Woodstock festival (1969). I don't remember much about the film, just that it was an almost superfluous film. Christine (1983) was an interesting film, much better than Grease.

Q: Do you see only one meaning for the letter K?
A: No.

Q: Do you see any similarities between the letter K and esoteric terrorism?
A: I no longer have the patience to put up with those fascist & nazi people, whoever they really are, really.
I didn't have memory loss, I'm still alive to come clean about the 'paranormal phenomena' they did to people close to me, and some of those people are no longer alive, the esoteric terrorists are the real problem, those people don't want peace, their occultism is terrorism and sabotage, violence generates violence, one side justifies the other.

Q: Did you see on TV that video of the band Judas Priest for the song Breaking the Law in which facial recognition is performed on people in the audience singing the chorus with the song title?
A: No, I didn't watch it, nor did I know it existed, but I watched the movie Orphan: First Kill (2022). In the movie, a curious pet even appears. When the movie ended, I was still alive. Also worth mentioning is that I also survived the movie Orphan (2009).
When I mentioned documentary-related content I also included True Crimes content, specifically Serial Killers content, disturbingly interesting stories about life in society.

Q: Do you identify with human sacrifice, taxidermy, mummification, and the one-sided encouragement of these matters?
A: No, I don't identify. This was one of the reasons I no longer provided art services to publishers who wanted this to happen unilaterally, the publisher owner survives, and the art service provider may achieve the glory of one day being taxidermied, or even being mummified.

Q: Have you ever lived somewhere in your life that was not related to planet Earth?
A: No.

Q: Do you think and believe that it would be possible to build a history for the country where you are that had no relation to the United States of America?
A: No, it would be an incomplete and false story, but the excessive influence of their entertainment industry is warlike & toxic.
It would be smarter to learn from the mistakes of others and not waste time and money on consumerism, militarism, ...
It is also useful to mention that there is red in the flag of the United States of America and also in the flag of the Russia, not in the flag of Ukraine, and I do not consider that armed conflict to be a consequence of an artistic dispute. From the sound of the Ramones I would go to the sound of Discharge in a closing and opening of two eyelids in synchronicity.

Q: Do you remember before, during, and after the oven stopped working?
A: Yes, it happened gradually and definitively. Time continued to pass and external and internal priorities continued to be established. I am still alive to remember it all, very tasty foods were made in that oven by my mother, savory or sweet, and that's not a _iada. When I had a stove with an oven, I used to make delicious roast potatoes and a really tasty homemade banana cake on some weekends during my happy married working life. Unfortunately, the electorate present in society did not want my happiness to be long-lasting, sa:( It's like I'm decrypting a script.

Q: Do you write poetry for any muse?
A: No. I don't write texts specifically for any female audience, much less for their existential aberrations, in this I wouldn't include the great band New York Dolls, those 'girls' existed in my self-taught learning on my first electric guitar, I've never denied that.

Q: Do you put a purple blanket over yourself when you sleep?
A: Honestly? I wouldn't trade J. A. Hendrix for Prince.

Q: How long has it been since you had a vacation?
A: Since the moment my parents made me.

Q: Do you consider yourself more important than that Jesus guy?
A: Yes, without any doubt, and it's not from now.

Q: When you got a small kitten to raise, did you neuter him?
A: No, I wouldn't do that evil to him because I wouldn't want it done to me. I had enough patience to put up with the strange things he did when he grew up and turned into a teenage cat, but when he changed from a teenager to an adult problems arose, he no longer wanted to be constantly treated like a pet, he wanted to go out of the house without me being behind him, the use of a collar with identification he accepted, and it was precisely that collar that protected him from being hurt, probably by another cat, and the identification on it brought him back the first day out of the house at night, the next day in the morning a truck driver came to bring him back to me, it was not a happy and healthy experience, thank goodness it was not raining. Nowadays there are electronic tags to track and make it easier to locate something, I would definitely want to attach an electronic tag to his collar, even though the price of them is beyond what I would like, but currently I no longer have a cat, nor a dog.

Q: Which band is expressive nowadays in your opinion?
A: The band Idles is one of them, music and video united, but I also detected through the very rare information that there are other relevant ones, not necessarily labeled as rock music, my musical taste is not so broad but it is also not restricted to just rock music. One of the band members mentioned on TV on a live music show that they didn't use keyboards, so they were a punk band, one of the well-known comments about the definition of a punk band.

Q: In your opinion, is disco music nearing its end?
A: No, not even rock music, but I realize that disco music, which has transformed over time, has become more varied and musically rich, is in a better situation, but I wouldn't trade my taste for rock music for disco music.

Q: Anything else?
A: One more photographs recovered.

segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2025

Something tentative about:):|:(

| Questions and Answers based on this photograph:

Q: Are the recently recovered photographs a delayed retrospective?
A: No, but they serve as a retrospective without any concern for chronology.

Q: What was the subject of the photograph?
A: About my posts on Poetizer.com before the changes that occurred there and I canceled my subscription after unpublishing my material.

Q: Do you want to be a slave to some social network?
A: No, I don't even intend to sign up to a social network just to use it and see if it's easy and quick to publish through it.
The social networks that have been around for the longest are the best known, but that doesn't mean with 100% certainty that they are the best, new social networks emerge and may be more suitable for specific subjects and audiences, such as the one mentioned in the image above.
It is also very useful to mention that the use of robots that are programmed to simulate some interaction with a human user as if they were also a user can be an unpleasant feature that devalues ​​the social network that uses them, I know of at least one well-known social network that uses that easily detectable feature a lot, not goo:(

Q: Are you on hold waiting for The Beatles to return?
A: No, I don't want to be a victim of The Debits either.

Q: Anything else?
A: One more photographs recovered.

domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2025


| Two photographs for Questions and Answers:

Q: What are the fixes?
A: In my Tumblr.com subscription I added to the posts that have some photographs with beer that it could harm the stomach, but I will not go through all those posts to correct the additions because it will consume a lot of data flow, the beer did not cause any problems in my stomach, it even helps in the healthy treatment of urban & capitalist anomalies.

Q: Why didn't you mention peanuts in the photograph?
A: Because they are very expensive, almost the price of a 1 kg package of Type 1 rice. Peanuts only in special seasons, currently rare, very.

Q: Do you remember if at any point in your urban life a woman who works in the supermarket routine complained that you were participating in the consumption of products?
A: This is a question that perhaps not even the lunatics of some of those moons that exist in the solar system would be able to answer.
None of those lovely photographs needed to be restored, they survived Blade Runner 2049.

Q: What do you think about the discourse and propaganda that suggests that the eternal misery of children in Africa is the fault of the beige people, the whites, as they are called by art-ignorant people who do not know that beige is not white and brown is not black?
A: The question contains a partial answer.

Q: Were you in the past a member of a group of people called Anjos (Angels)?
A: No, I was never a member of the (Hells) Angels.
I think and believe that people who apparently have nothing useful to do in their lives, and this is not new, have to stop trying to involve me in ridiculous sociological theses.
I'm not a frontman for any carnival group in Bahia (BA-BR), and I've never been friends with the nun Benedetta, who didn't appear driving a Lambretta.

Q: Anything else?
A: Two more photographs recovered.

sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2025


| An image for Questions and Answers, or the opposite:

Q: Have you given your soul to someone?
A: No.

Q: Did you make a pact with The Devil?
A: No. I have self-esteem and self-criticism.

Q: Would you like to be a robotic vehicle operator?
A: If it is for military purposes, no, not even a drone operator. And to simulate a small drone flying around me I wouldn't even need a drone, but it would be a fun toy, less than a small dog or a small cat in its infancy.

Q: Could you explain why in recent years, at the beginning of each year, and even at the end of last year, something violent occurs that tries to shake the attempt at a new year?
A: There is no break with the past, if someone did not inform you of what happened you might not even know about some earthly misfortune, the end of one year and the beginning of the next year can be a time interval where there is less urban noise, and this can be very healthy for a person who wants to be healthy, in this I do not want to suggest that it is healthy for a person to be poorly informed, not to be warned about hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, the results of presidential elections, statistics and probabilities, ... That immense list on capitalist TV poured into your ears.
There in the USA those occurrences may have explicit meanings. ... NoFutureX

Q: When you write a text do you assume you are someone else?
A: No, I'm not an actor. Pseudonym does not have the same meaning as actor. Author and actor do not have the same meaning either.

Q: Has God finally shown his true face and appeared to give you back your motorcycle at the end of the year 2024?
A: No, that hasn't happened yet.

Q: Why have you been posting more frequently to your Blogger.com subscription?
A: I chose to publish more on Blogger.com than on Tumblr.com, this is because on Blogger.com there is no visual interference from other users' publications, something that does not occur on Tumblr.com, and coincidence or not, after Tumblr.com left Yahoo and went to Automattic, Inc., responsible for WordPress.com, the material published by others that appears on the home page changed, before they were publications more related to Arts, currently more related to Gender, something superfluous that does not interest me, but I continue to publish in my Tumblr.com subscription what may be more appropriate there, mainly for technical reasons, on Blogger.com there are several technical restrictions.

Q: Are you a parrot of the Catholic Church?
A: No. 

Q: Anything else?
A: Another recovered photograph.
Recovered before the golden hour (night, beginning).