terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

The photograph of the photograph:):|:(

| Questions and Answers, and so on, ...

Q: Is the symbol (c) always completely correct when you use it in images?
A: If I photograph a person, I do not own that person, except for a self-portrait.
If I photograph an image that was taken by someone else then the symbol (c) is not related to me at all.
The main meaning of the symbol (c) is to mention to a visitor, specifically a lay person, that the image was made by a person, it was not made by Artificial Intelligence, and if it were, Artificial Intelligence depends on images generated by people to generate images, it depends on photographs made by humans, it depends on illustrations made by humans, audios, ... behind Artificial Intelligence there are humans working, those humans are not totally invisible.

Q: Were the nazis defeated by the Summer of Love set to the sounds of The Stooges?
A: No, not even with any Marilyn Manson live show, the chronology does not match the events.

Q: Will you update those hosted pages?
A: No need to, they are still current.
I don't have any free time in my life to waste on what is superfluous in rock culture. I have no interest in immortalizing what is superfluous in rock culture.
I don't study to become more and more ignorant.
I have never felt inferior to anyone, I always try to do better than I did before.


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