segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025


| Questions and Answers, Q/A; Perguntas e Respostas, P/R; ...

Q: Did you think about becoming a gynecologist at some point in your life?
A: No, never. I ruled out any career related to Medicine before other careers, I couldn't imagine myself as a surgeon, to this day I can't watch some programs on TV about surgery, but I certainly recognize the usefulness of good professionals in Medicine, not greedy mercenary capitalists.

Q: Have you used Baixar O. Assado's ophthalmological services at any point in your life?
A: No, never.

Q: Have you ever thought about sitting on a pudding with caramel sauce and then sitting on an anthill?
A: No, never. I try to make good use of communication interfaces, I consider them hygienic, they help to avoid unpleasant situations. I don't know if by answering this question I generated some animosity or even started a war. It's also worth mentioning that I never wanted to have an anteater as a pet.

Q: Are there any recent films that interest you?
A: The poster of one of them interested me, it could have been me who made that poster, there was identification, but at the moment I don't remember the name of the film, and doing research consumes the flow of internet usage, specifically watching a video, also listening to some music, I always think about economy in my day-to-day life.

Q: Do the positions of the tanks in the illustrations point to a direction?
A: Apparently so.

Q: What can't you feel in the illustrations?
A: The unpleasant noise of the tank in operation, the horrible shaking of the tank in motion, the abominable smell of burning fuel, the always unhealthy environment to be in military life or to be a civilian, ... But the illustrations are really very well done, those hideous machines didn't even need to be manufactured. Why manufacture a child to seasonally give him a governmental and institutional insanity well represented by war? What will he be when he grows up? An illustrator??

Q: Are all the logos used still current?
A: Not one of them.

Q: Is it possible to look at something and always see, or most of the time, the same appearance, the same essence?
A: Interesting question. Is this question about antimatter?

Q: Aren't you afraid of being misunderstood by publishing these military images?
A: Perhaps the excellent illustrator was a civilian, not a military man. French? English?

Q: Do military life and marriage go together?
A: My honest opinion is that they don't go together, it's either civilian life or military life.

Q: Were you able to survive the weight of this publication?
A: Transforming the images into a pencil drawing simulation made the look lighter.

Q: Hot or cold?
A: Cold.

Q: A-Ha or ABBA?

Q: Any other answers?
A: Any other questions?

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