domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2025

Template is not _emplar.

| Questions and answers pre-diagrammed in the (Google) Blogger template and illustrated by me:

Q: When you rode your motorcycle up the ramp shown in the small image on the QR Code, did you imagine that you were riding a horse heading to the center of gravity of the place where the capital of a country would be built?
A: No, I thought and believed that I was going to stop my motorcycle in a place where it was allowed to stop it, the guard who was in charge of security at the place did not mention anything about the subject.
It was a motorcycle, not a Mustang.
I've never done any Meat L. (ML) cover or back cover.
I never considered myself a consequence of the baby boom, I'm not a spare part in the Armed Forces, I don't have to always agree with laws I didn't write, written directly or indirectly by politicians I never voted for. Any doubts?

Q: What was the place?
A: At that time it was a health center, currently I don't know what the place shown in the small image in the QR Code is.

Q: Was there another alternative?
A: I had the option of using private healthcare services, which I paid for at the time, but due to distance and knowing a doctor who worked there and she also worked nearby in the trade union where I worked, I opted for care there, but if I had opted for private healthcare services, my motorcycle might not have been stolen because it was a more isolated and protected location, it wasn't on an avenue, it was something like a dead end street, a better lit location, and more middle class, it's worth mentioning this.

Q: In your opinion, what happened was because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?
A: No, I was in the right place during the opening hours of that place.

Q: Was it something personal?
A: I think and believe it wasn't because they were sequences of thefts in short intervals of time, and something they all had in common was the same place of work or related to it, a trade union.

Q: Were you a member of a criminal organization when you worked in a trade union?
A: I thought and believed no, in short, no.
The crime was the theft of my motorcycle, the theft of the lawyer's car, who would later become a judge, ...

Q: What do you think about a person who tries to beat up coworkers inside the workplace during working hours?
A: In the past he was partly humanist and laborist, but he had a totalitarian and authoritarian tendency that turned into a fascist tendency, his Italian origin helped in that, and that tendency prevailed in him with the every man for himself of the advance of information technology. In that incident he was unable to prevent other people from working in the same professional area, even less with the advancement of the internet, and especially with fast internet, broadband.
People suffer because their parents did not prevent pregnancy.

Q: Any music?
A: What for??

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