terça-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2024

Snapshot, LCD, ...

I managed to get to the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), a revolution, I also remember when I was a child seeing at least one photograph taken by a Polaroid camera being instantly revealed, another revolution, and apparently Instagram.com mentions it in the logo that time of technological revolution, so to appear here at my address on Blogger.com, I am publishing my address on Instagram.com using a QR Code provided by Instagram.com.

This publication is chronologically later than a great documentary I saw on TV about the vinyl recording industry after the last technological revolutions, the lights were turned off, after some time they were moderately turned on, apparently manufacturing a vinyl record requires fewer resources than manufacture a CD, if a person wants to 'pick up the music' as it was before the revolution. I was wrong?

I still consider Music to be something useful, also Photography.

I'm still alive. Any doubt?

If you want to know more about LCD visit this address: Wikipedia – LCD.

sábado, 27 de janeiro de 2024

Single Storey House:

Despite the loud noise of heavy equipment running during the night from 10:00 PM onwards, it was possible to sleep better on a cold summer night, it's good for my health, I recommend it.

Sunlight is irreplaceable, and night work could only be permitted in emergencies, such as a tree falling onto the wiring, or any other urgent situation.

I now remember the tiring time of using the internet with a dial-up connection from midnight until six in the morning because of the 'generous' reduction in tariffs, it wasn't an option, it was a necessity. "Aren't you going to sleep? No, I have to study & work." The era of white, black, and red was already behind me.

If I were working on one of these works, I wouldn't see Lula as a politician who would represent me in anything, including the relationship between work and remuneration, but before that, in the explicit demagoguery of his speech, incredibly he still manages to bring together a large amount of flies when he appears on a stage as a (false) messiah of socialism, sometimes, strategically, he even appears on the stage with a black t-shirt, perhaps to suggest to the agnostics on the left that the future is yet to come, but whoever waits remains waiting, something incredibly intellectual and economical, more intellectual than the predictable programming on TV, where a landfill isn't a dump. Great?

Doing the right thing isn't always doing what you want to do, and doing what you want to do, and believing in it, is giving an exact meaning to some agnostic abstraction.

More trees will fall.

| Some questions and answers based on this publication:

Q: Did you fabricate some young lady's period?
A: No.

Q: Did you fabricate any single mothers?
A: No.

Q: Is 'I don't know' valid as an answer?
A: Yes.

Q: Would you mention a song to end this post?
A: Why not? The Plasmatics – Summer Nite. (1981)
"I had to go through the internet to be able to find any debris that would inform me of a doubt! Several helpful answers."
"One of the bands~groups that managed to create a great mix of punk rock, hard rock, and what was good about heavy metal, the lead guitar. Any doubt?"
"They exaggerated a lot with the lyrics of the song, I never witnessed any of that, but they are still very in tune with the content on TV, including what is shown on Investigation Discovery. Any doubt?"

quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2024

Cable Lowering:


If one of the construction workers informed me correctly, this is a work carried out by the capitalist private sector, but the money to carry out the work doesn't only come from the private sector, and this isn't just from the present time, in that time there is also the past, the past time of several people who are no longer alive, it is useful to mention this to people in the present tense, people who will one day not be present in the future of time.

The work is being carried out quickly, even at night, in the early hours of the morning the noise really becomes loud, very, very loud, the noise doesn't resemble the sound of what was labeled in the past as industrial rock, that industrial rock wasn't so deafening and 'chaotic', I really hope that the partial lowering of the cables works better than with trees falling on the elevated cables or tall trucks dragging them, two situations present in everyday life, especially with the fall of trees that are more than half a century old, trees that perhaps were present during the coffee plantation period, trees don't speak, but they drop stories.

I have never really seen here in this region where I'm native, I'm an aboriginal, a work being carried out so quickly, therefore, if there is someone who has to leave, it isn't me, I do have the intention of living for many years, or better, decades.

What is this publication about?
About the interest in speed among young people, and speed can only remain in thinking about a subject, but not practice atrophy, it can even generate a momentary fear.

No, it's not easy being a construction worker.

Who works here without getting paid?


sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2024

The means is the end, _

The means is the end, going back and forth to nowhere, beyond Taxi Driver, beyond Apocalypse Now, beyond Tron, beyond Blade Runner, ...

I was never interested in having a tattoo, nor in being an Ink Master, but I designed a tattoo more than once, irrelevant.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I am also publishing on the Swell social network:

When will this tree fall?

The other tree on the other side of the street fell a few weeks ago, crushing a car, trapping a motorcycle between its branches. With its fall, buildings and streets were left without electricity, generators had to stay on for more than a day, making that huge noise at night and giving off that unhealthy smell of burning fuel.

Apparently the city's policy on this matter is to do something after the worst happens, not before to avoid the worst.

In this publication, situation and opposition are united in everyday life.

terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2024

the webby hazards:|:(

Just for the record, I mentioned the subject, but I really didn't intend in a text to go much further into the similarity of a phrase and title, perhaps at another time.

segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2024

The year, the machine, the human:|:(

It is really interesting to analyze the relationship between the year of launch of a computer product and what a person has lived, lives, and will live when the product doesn't work like new, something that isn't what is happening with this device while I manufacture this publication, the device is more than 99% like new, not me, unfortunately.

To illustrate this publication I chose an image from 2023/03 that I made during the first tests of an interesting and pleasant app to use, it is possible to spend time on it achieving satisfactory results.

_ynthetic _uture:|:(

I don't believe it is something related to how I am currently seeing a subject, but rather that the subject is mostly different compared to the past, at least in terms of the dimension of the thing, a situation that had been predicted in the past, something begins as an informal alternative and amateur and then it is transformed into something institutional, there are several examples found in the media, something like, if I don't feel the music, maybe it's because the singer isn't a good actor or the woman singer isn't a good actress, so the farce didn't convince me, the professionals who worked on the advertised product ... I am the old Europe, but with drinking water and sewage, with basic sanitation, with internet, also with some rock music; that's what FiRSTLAST said to firstlast on iiiindexxxx, and thousands of apps, 0firstlast1 added.

sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2024

A goo:):|:( ide@:

In addition to the design and texture, the colors and how they are distributed.

I have never been distant from artistic activity in relation to what interests me, not in relation to what interests other people even if they are the majority.

There are an immense number of uses for wood, I hope that this great tree that fell is put to good use, has a better fate than firewood, I also wish to continue making good use of the good apps that I have researched, selected, installed, tested, purchased, and are waiting for the right moment to be used.

Why advertising isn't journalism?
On the chocottone's advertising packaging, they placed an illustration of chocolate syrup behind his photograph and darkened the outside of the chocottone to create the illusion that it was covered with chocolate syrup, but the journalistic reality was that there was no chocolate coating on it, predictable.
The opposition always ends the party.
And the lie? Is she feminine or masculine?

Thank :):|:(oG?

Will one day the tree fall? Even the trees planted more recently to be more adapted to the new reality are falling, and with each older tree that will fall, it will almost certainly drag some wiring along, crush a car, and ... I really wish that I do the right thing at the right time. The fluctuations in electricity increased, and for each one either branches fell or the entire tree fell. On the night of this photograph things were more intense, noises of explosions and flashes during the temporary extinction of electricity, here in the past it was worse, several hours without electricity.

Music for this post? Why not?

There was some synchronicity at the moment, despite the distance in relation to the years in which they emerged:

TSOL - Hit and Run.
The image resembles the title, but what I do while I live isn't related to the lyrics of the song, nor in intensity. Several years ago I saw on a wall relatively far from here a huge poster advertising their live performance, it caught my attention, but there was no synchronization, I was in a rush for my survival, with no time for their survival. I liked that LP, more hard rock, even though it had a different sound than the previous records that were more in tune with the punk sound.

The Runaways - California Paradise.
What is happening here isn't similar to the devastating fires that happened there in California, I chose the song because I recently saw guitarist Lita F. on TV at an event in the style of 'musicians in community', an event of dubious usefulness, but not for manufacturers and traders of musical instruments and those related to the music industry.

quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2024


I'm really enjoying publishing on Blogger again, now through the practical Blogger app, not through the browser, which has more features, nor through a browser with a Plug-in or Add-on, I did several publishing tests in WordPress, also on Blogger. I really don't believe I'm going to win a The Webby Awards trophy for publishing here and ... não pagando a inscrição lá.

In this publication I mention the work of good designers, specifically those who turned to computer art, and managed to overcome this real barrier, not imaginary, and managed to put feeling through the machine, as an advanced example on the subject, and very much, the charismatic Minions, they provide a real show through the incredible professionals who manipulate them, in drawing, painting, and animation, I would be one of them, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

To illustrate this text an image related to the lack of response from AI when asked for a prompt, is the point of view of whoever developed the app, and my point of view as the manipulator of the image and text.

I don't know if while he's working on the app there in Turkey he's eating those delicious Turkish Jelly Beans without worrying about the warlike Putin's bad mood, he isn't very close, but isn't very far away.

wwwet BRick:

After several years, better yet, after several decades of not wearing a red t-shirt or shirt in denial and protest of demagoguery on the left, totalitarian and authoritarian, at the end of 2023 I became interested in the color red again, a color that I had nothing against and I even used it as an addition to black in white, in the image above the photographic record of this text.

Is this publication journalism or advertising? Both of them plus something.

The only memory loss I had was in the RAM, it wasn't fully compatible with the machine, it was Made in Brazil.

In IT countless technical and technological learnings.

The following sentence isn't mine because I always liked studying: "Eu nunca gostei desse papo de estudar". Who was the person who said that phrase decades ago?

The Sad Holocaust of Animals:

A human isn't a vegetable.

If he doesn't eat meat will he be turned into a vegetable?

How to make that a human who doesn't eat meat isn't transformed into a vegetable?

Is this a subversive strategy to avoid paying taxes to government politicians and their sold & bought?

If a human doesn't want to take part directly or indirectly in the killing of animals by not eating meat, how will he have to eat to avoid being turned into a vegetable?

To answer the question above, I would recommend that a person have at least one meal in a restaurant where meat isn't offered as an alternative, in the style serve yourself & pay for the grams consumed, the lay person will be surprised by the variety, if the person can and wants to, he will leave the restaurant round, but if the person receives payment for seconds worked, he may not be able to try this ecological cuisine.

I came here to mention the sad holocaust of animals.

terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2024

Baby, I'm 'coming back':

Between what is the truth and what someone in I-don't-know-where would like the truth to be there can be such a huge distance that nothing is true.

If what is related to imagination is related to mental illness, then every human has at least one mental illness.

"Imagination is better than reality."

The last time I heard about him they mentioned in a 'parrot way' that he gone mad, if so then he was transformed into another normal person, not a responsible person.

In the photograph above a basic record of the power of a good imagination.

In the distant and happy time that I bought this set of dishes, "sim, eu não tive medo de ser feliz", I chose them among others for their personal and professional significance, apparently comprehensive marketing, not just local or regional.

"A inveja destrói a felicidade de uma pessoa."
"Envy destroys a person's happiness."

The film Taxi Driver is from the year 1976, not the year 1991, not the year 1992, not the year 1993, not the year 1994, not the year 1995, not the year 1996, ... and so on, even surpassing the time zone of the date 10/09/2001.

"É útil saber algo sobre escritas baseadas em miragens."
"It's useful to know something about mirage-based calligraphy."

Slutty trees that don't want to work!

May the Christmas lies of God's agnostic parents light the path of this marginalized person in society where the demagogic electorate moves towards the populist convergence of price fluctuations in capitalism, the stability of life in society remains solid and unshakable, see the photo and read below.

In the center of the photograph a crushed car, and on the right side a motorcycle framed between the branches, on the path leaves and tree branches scattered across the asphalt, and once again blocks without electricity.

The solution to this persistent seasonal problem is to prune and remove the several large trees, specifically the largest and oldest ones, their weight will make them fall, and replace them with smaller trees that do not reach the wires, this would be smarter than laying underground cables, they are a partial solution, but unfortunately the practice is to do something after the trees fall and cut off the electricity, not before the problem occurs, and they will certainly continue to occur.

The electricity generator in a building can be useful to overcome the problem of that building, but "o enorme barulho e cheiro do funcionamento durante toda a noite ajuda uma pessoa a escrever textos de protesto".

Is the photo beautiful?

Am I using the apps correctly?

domingo, 7 de janeiro de 2024

Testing the Blogger app, ...

First test with the intention of publishing on the Blogger app.

Share didn't appear in the Title text to be able to use Google Translate, which would be basic, but Share appeared in the publication Text to be able to use Google Translate, in this text the result of the resource.

Just above I inserted a screenshot that I edited, it isn't possible to do almost anything with the inserted image.

It is possible to insert a video just by inserting a link: Beige Africa (#145)

The evaluation of the app after this publication:

The existence of the app: 4☆~ App proposal: 3☆~; (See your blog? Is there a better and free unofficial app Made in India?? Google google, ...) Installer size: 3☆~/ App look: Logo~Shortcut: 5☆! Splash: 3☆~; it took too long. (Only with internet?) Opening: 4☆~ Light theme: 3☆~/ Intuitive on first use: 4☆~ It allows me to import from the device's gallery app: 5☆ WYSIWYG result obtained: 4☆~/ ... It doesn't replace the browser, but it's agile, it could have a few more features: 🏓💬🙂🙃🏁