terça-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2024

Slutty trees that don't want to work!

May the Christmas lies of God's agnostic parents light the path of this marginalized person in society where the demagogic electorate moves towards the populist convergence of price fluctuations in capitalism, the stability of life in society remains solid and unshakable, see the photo and read below.

In the center of the photograph a crushed car, and on the right side a motorcycle framed between the branches, on the path leaves and tree branches scattered across the asphalt, and once again blocks without electricity.

The solution to this persistent seasonal problem is to prune and remove the several large trees, specifically the largest and oldest ones, their weight will make them fall, and replace them with smaller trees that do not reach the wires, this would be smarter than laying underground cables, they are a partial solution, but unfortunately the practice is to do something after the trees fall and cut off the electricity, not before the problem occurs, and they will certainly continue to occur.

The electricity generator in a building can be useful to overcome the problem of that building, but "o enorme barulho e cheiro do funcionamento durante toda a noite ajuda uma pessoa a escrever textos de protesto".

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