quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2024

Oil paint on primed canvas.

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: Why did you mention this image?
A: While I was looking through older images I found this archived image, I selected it to revitalize it.

Q: Nowadays, would you dedicate yourself to art made without any electronic equipment?
A: Currently the space I am using to work is no longer the space I used at the time I made the painting, the main part of which is shown in the photograph, two different spaces, two different times, the place where I painted the painting was a silent place, it was a place well adapted to work with drawing, painting, photography, ... naquela época e lugar não foi possível acrescentar a informática porque a criminalidade periférica furtou a minha motocicleta, portanto eu não pude vendê-la para comprar um computador.

Q: When you left there, did you leave with memory loss?
A: Leia o final da resposta anterior.

Q: Is art superfluous?
A: A TV foi o último utensílio doméstico que eu comprei, e por mim eu nem teria comprado uma.

Q: Do you owe an explanation for your life to the Catholic Church?
A: I turned my back on the Catholic Church when I was twelve years old.

Q: What do you think about God?
A: I had my partner formed.

Q: When you finished the painting, did you fully understand it?
A: No, this is a normal situation after completing any art.

Q: You later noticed some resemblance to another person years after the painting was completed.
A: Elas eram parentes próximas.

Q: Did your partner understand you?
A: Maybe I needed to explain something, something that wasn't necessary before.

Q: Wouldn't you be too far from reality?
A: Believe it or not, breezes still come my way to refresh my brain, not even a can of beer from the fridge is necessary.

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