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Mostrando postagens com marcador FiRSTLAST. Mostrar todas as postagens

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2024

Retrospective on|:(:

Who is against me?

| Perguntas e Respostas baseadas nessa publicação:

P: Como foi ouvir em sequência todos os áudios que você publicou em
R: Foi uma viagem no tempo, uma experiência apenas para uma pessoa aficionada, ninguém mais aficionado que eu para ouví-los em sequência, comecei em uma tarde, e terminei na manhã do dia seguinte, isso após dormir, óbvio, atualmente eu não sou tão aficionado.
Durante a audição eu me lembrei como foi a fabricação deles, mesmo não olhando cada capa, algo que teria sido muito útil, e a época na qual cada um deles foi realizado, inclusive na época que a epidemia se tornou pandemia, e o fique-em-casa que decretou um muito saudável silêncio na região, mencionei isso na sonoridade de vários deles.
Eu também não estive indiferente a outros assuntos e algumas vozes, em especial uma delas que tem uma maneira de falar realmente característica, mas eu não tinha a intenção que aquilo acontecesse, surgiu durante o manuseio dos aplicativos, não ignorei e mantive.
Foi possível se divertir muito ouvindo vários deles. Não é necessário que uma pessoa ouça todos os audiovisuais, basta escolher um Título e Capa que ele considere interessante, a abordagem do conteúdo se repetirá em um curto intervalo de tempo.
Há diferenças progressistas entre eles, de um para outro eu modifiquei configurações e obtive resultados diferentes, eu realmente não me preocupei muito sobre o que um usuário pensaria sobre eles, eu estava mais interessado em experimentar recursos e conseguir para cada um deles um resultado satisfatório.

P: Você levou essa experiência para, agora Spotify for Podcasters?
R: Sim, mas naquela hospedagem a minha proposta era outra, inclusive porque os termos para a publicação eram um pouco diferentes.
Também muito útil mencionar que os arquivos de podcasts geralmente são enormes em Megabytes, isso consome o fluxo de dados da internet do usuário, por isso eu quis que eles fossem curtos para serem econômicos em Megabytes para o usuário, eu também sou um usuário.

P: É necessário fones para os ouvidos para ouvir os seus áudios em
R: Sim, mas não é garantido que todos eles sejam audíveis porque em quase todos eles há a sobreposição de idiomas, no mínimo dois idiomas. Além disso em alguns deles a sonoridade das vozes se tornou prioridade, mais que as vozes serem audíveis, mas mesmo assim tentei que fosse possível para um usuário com fones para os ouvidos conseguir que a maior parte do conteúdo fosse audível. Também útil mencionar que geralmente uma pessoa tem dois ouvidos, portanto será necessário um fone em cada ouvido porque os áudios estão em estéreo, LR.
Atualmente em Spotify for Podcasters eu separei os audiovisuais em formato podcast em dois idiomas, um em idioma português, and the other in english language.
Listen to them while you watch a good reality TV documentary about what it's like to live in one of the many prisons scattered around the Earth. Don't make an effort to go live in one of them.

P: Na publicação inicial ocorreu alguma curiosidade?
R: Sim. Nas primeiras publicações os meus audiovisuais surgiram em buscas em no final daqueles em idioma inglês, mas no topo daqueles em idioma português, nisso também foi curioso e hilário ver quem eram os meus vizinhos em, não sei se aquela situação poderia ser considerada uma consequência de alguma maldição magnética, acredito que foi algo relacionado com linguagem de programação, muito útil mencionar isso para os iniciantes e turistas no assunto, também útil mencionar que dinheiro talvez possa comprar alguma melhor colocação, não mencionado lá, mas embutido nos planos oferecidos, mas na prática não foi o que ocorreu, tive como vizinhos usuários de planos pagos, armados com foice, martelo, e o silencioso desperdício do dinheiro partidário.

Q: Any further explanation?
A: This is a rich and miserable city.

Q: Anything else?
A: I encourage you in the questions, and you encourage me in the answers, without alien intermediaries.

😶💬 Nisso tudo eu descobri recentemente em que atualmente para ouvir um dos áudios ou pegá-los a pessoa curiosa terá que fazer uma inscrição, antes das mudanças não era assim, a interação entre o publicador e o ouvinte era muito melhor, mas essa foi outra época, não agora:|:(:

💛⏳💬⌛🖤 Who is against me? Protocol Number ISS ISS Production Line Production Line

quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2024


| Questions and answers based on this image:

Q: Do you stand still every day of the week waiting for someone to give you some prize, some trophy?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Do you feel guilty about still being alive?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: Are you going or coming back?
A: Honestly?

Q: Have you ever been to outer space to lay cables around the Earth?
A: Honestly? No.

Q: What would be the best color for a cable that orbits the Earth?
A: I think and believe that if it were black it might look good aesthetically, but the number of problems would increase with that.

Q: Have you watched the movie Gravity?
A: Yes, more than realistic, hyperrealistic, but in a real situation anyone who wasn't ejected back to Earth before the first impact would die.

Q: Did you understand everything about the subject in the image?
A: Honestly, no, but later I will look for teaching material at the app developer's address that can try to resolve some basic doubts, preferably as a FAQ.

Q: Anything else on the subject?
A: Honestly?


| Questions and answers based on this image:

Q: Why don't you give up?
A: I would never kill myself.

Q: Have you met any LoRi R.?
A: No, I did and liked LR's song Satellite of Love on LR Live on LP.

Q: Do people who die first warn that others will die later?
A: No.

Q: Does curiosity kill?
A: It can hurt a person and even kill them.

Q: Do you identify with the current days?
A: Honestly, no.

Q: What do you think about a ridiculous politician who expresses unfortunate opinions on the subject of war?
A: The question is about the demagogue Lula who was not elected president in 1989?

Q: Do you know what the probability is of a Starlink satellite falling on you?
A: Given the huge number of them, I think the probability is perhaps higher than that of others.

Q: What makes you sad these days?
A: The present day. When there was less population density the city was less noisy.

Q: Any other answers?
A: That live LP was really good, I heard it when I was in high school. Imagination is better than reality.

Q: Any songs to finish?
A: C. - Death and All His Friends.

quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2024

No way out.

| Text based on this image:

Q: Is there light on the periphery of the universe?
A: I don't know, the atheist & capitalist lunette I have doesn't allow me to go that far into space, but my imagination allows me to, including thinking about the possibility of there being more than one universe.

Q: Do you like it when someone who is not like you makes ideological demands?
A: Honestly, no.

Q: When you eat something non-meat related to arabic cuisine, do you feel as if you are contradicting the patriarch of Israel and desecrating the catacombs of the Vatican?
A: Honestly, no.

Q: When you answered this question, were you hungry?
A: No.

Q: For you, is non-existence white or black?
A: As a support it is whiter than black, and in electronic art it is useful when it is transparent.

Q: Is it sad?
A: Very, very sad.

Q: Would you like to answer any other questions?
A: Honestly, no.


terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2024

Spotify for Podcasters (#162)

The periodicity of the short audiovisuals in podcast format that i, FiRSTLAST, the realist of self-management, publish on Spotify for Podcasters, formerly, it is now biweekly:

At an uncertain frequency on,
it's not a scheduling issue:

From time to time on

Forever on

⏳💬 Visit whenever you want,
if you want,
here art is culture,
created by
Authorial Human Intelligence. 🏁

Lightness and darkness with ASCII Art.

| Questions and answers based on this image:

Q: Is ASCII Art still interesting?
A: Although it is a limited art, it is still interesting.

Q: When did you discover the existence of ASCII Art?
A: I don't remember exactly but it was probably when I was in high school, some student showed up with a common image of jesU$ in ASCii Art printed apparently with a dot matrix printer.
Another memory that perhaps comes from that time was the detailed technical drawing of a piZza, really interesting and well done.

Q: Is it easy to get a goo:) final result in ¿(A)${[(c)]}ii @Rt?
A: N:( The app used needs to have several settings to perhaps generate a satisfactory final result. I got a better result on the Desktop PC.


sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2024


| Image based on this text:

Q: Why did you ask these questions first and then choose an image for them?
A: I was in a hurry.

Q: What do you do when you're cold?
A: I warm myself up.

Q: Has this new technology helped you access more words and more interpretations?
A: More words and some more interpretations, I already knew the meaning.

Q: Qual será o seu próximo animalzinho de estimação após um gatinho?
A: Um cachorrinho?? It won't be an iguana.

Q: Do you believe that if you answer these questions correctly you will gain something?
A: I will get smarter as time goes by.

Q: What was the temperature when you answered this question?
A: It was reported as 11⁰ Celsius, it felt colder.

Q: I've noticed that you keep the level, is that right?
A: I still like the colour Clipboard Green, and also the colour Spring Green.

Q: If you were to throw your good formal education in the trash, which trash would you put it in, the organic trash or the recycling trash?
A: I wouldn't need R$ 100.000,00 per month to be happy, nor R$ 50.000,00 per month, nor R$ 25.000,00 per month, nor R$ 12.500,00 per month, nor R$ 6.250,00 per month, nor R$ 3.125,00 per month, ... But an app that works correctly when using "." and "," in the field to fill in is useful.

Q: What is your current profession?
A: Would you like it if I provided some feedback with a list of songs?
I started a short list of songs based on the great sound of each one, and the coherent title of each one, but after researching the lyrics of the songs, something I had no way of doing in the past, I realized that they were not very in tune with me, so I would not answer this question, something that ended up happening. Match? Love is sleeping warm on a cold day.



terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2024

Spotify for Podcasters (#161)

The periodicity of the short audiovisuals in podcast format that i, FiRSTLAST, the realist of self-management, publish on Spotify for Podcasters, formerly, it is now biweekly:

At an uncertain frequency on,
it's not a scheduling issue:

From time to time on

Forever on

⏳💬 Visit whenever you want,
if you want,
here art is culture,
created by
Authorial Human Intelligence. 🏁

segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2024

I had no memory loss.

| Questions and answers based on this photograph:

Q: What do you think about the lack of ethics "if you don't support it you're fighting it, if you're not present you don't need to be respected"?
A: I reciprocate in the same way and in the same proportion to that person to perhaps improve their self-criticism.

Q: What is the meaning of the title of this publication?
A: I haven't forgotten where my motorcycle was stolen, and it still hasn't been returned.

Q: Did you manipulate this image to try to be public enemy number one?
A: This is not the first time that I have handled an image made by someone else, in this recent sequence I chose to publish it here on Blogger where I am currently converging publications.

Q: Do you sleep peacefully every day?
A: I'm still alive.

Q: What is the purpose of a war?
A: Anywhere, any war is for no useful purpose.

Q: What is your work for?
A: Currently to complete the meaning of people who develop some hardware and some software, and the various related technologies, are currently my guides.

Q: I noticed that you subtly modified the meaning of the original image.
A: Yes, I brought it closer to what I think about the subject, I took the original image from one place and put it in another better place.
It is also very useful to mention that the esoteric movement is international, ambiguous, and biased, it is not neutral, and it is not good versus evil, ... Everything was being well managed before other people felt any envy related to my existence.


sábado, 13 de abril de 2024

The app tester (#170)

Reposting on the updated title and cover of the audiovisual in podcast format #170 published on

If app developers, for a variety of reasons, make mistakes, mainly technical ones, then I don't feel so guilty about a mistake in translating the pt-BR language into the EN language. At the time of the translation I had some doubts, but I gave priority to what I found from others, I was wrong, sorry.

The app tester (#170)